Saturday, February 19, 2005

And there are other reviewers that eat his crumbs!

And there are other reviewers that eat his crumbs!

My former roommate, Eric, emailed me about Ebert's review of Constantine. He cited specifically the sections during which he--Ebert, not Eric--spoke of penguins. He rightly noted the inconsistency of the penguin comments with the rest of the review. That is to say: they had nothing to do with one another. Ebert is, in fact, a fucking loon.

As he also notes in his email that I've been commenting on his condition for sometime. In fact, I only have two default AIM away messages. One is the "Slightly less dull away message" that simply declares that "I'm out." The other is as follows (entitled "Ebert smokes crack"):

I just read this in Ebert's Van Hellsing review:

"Because Dracula (Richard Roxburgh) and his vampire brides are all dead, they cannot give birth, of course, to live children.
That they give birth at all is somewhat remarkable, although perhaps the process is unorthodox, since his dead offspring hang from a subterranean ceiling wrapped in cocoons that made me think, for some reason, of bagworms, which I spent many a summer hand-picking off the evergreens under the enthusiastic direction of my father."

What the
fuck is he talking about?

One never knows when one might need to employ the "Ebert made me see it" defense or warn others not to see a film because "Ebert" does, in fact, "smoke crack".

Eric and I think that last comment remains relevant even now with Ebert's current review of Constantine. Most of you, surely, are as baffled as we are that this man retains his job at a fairly prestigious newspaper. I admit that the pressures of writing weekly reviews of all the films that have come out that weekend must be stressful, but one needn't resort to insanity to manage it all.

How about time management? Perhaps a good night's sleep, a steady diet and regular sessions with a psychologist? Maybe try not being completely bat shit? Hm? How about trying not to be absolutely insane? No? Representing the Midwest with some dignity and intelligence? No? Don't want to do that?

I implore you, Sun-Times: just fire him. I know he's an institution, but he's just not the same since he started going all ga-ga and trying to devour human flesh. Know when to say no. Who knows who will take him seriously? He's a danger to us all, Sun-Times, to our children and to our tender cinematic sensibilities. Only you can stop him, Sun-Times. You know what the right coice is. Good night, and God bless.


Friday, February 18, 2005

New blog! Tada!

New blog! Tada!

If you look down at the blogs section on the right sidebar, you might notice a new addition entitled VODKAonMARS: smarmy: epitomized. That'd be my friend Brian from college. His blog's filled with posts about his impressions of comics, movies and other things of this nature, and they're all hiiiiiii-larious. Check him out. Follow his recommendations. Obey your thirst.


I'd give it a resounding, "Meh."

I'd give it a resounding, "Meh."

So I had my first audition today. It wasn't nearly as terrifying as I thought it'd be even though there were about three times are many guys there than I imagined. I didn't get the inflection in my voice that I wanted at times, but memorizing the lines definitely helped. What also helped was the large amount of normies that were there. Ya know, rectangles? That boosted my confidence a good deal, but I honestly have no idea how it all turned out. Guess we'll see if or when I get a phone call.


I've been saying it for years...

I've been saying it for years...

Superman is a dick.

Need I say more?


Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Don't Panic!

Don't Panic!

For those Hitchhiker's fans out there (and I know you're there), check out the world premiere trailer of the upcoming film at I am very excited.


Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Freakin' Valentine's Day

Happy Freakin' Valentine's Day

I don't know what the hell's wrong with me. I've never gotten depressed on Valentine's Day when I didn't have a girlfriend. All of the sudden, though, I'm wishing death on cute couples and crushing on every girl I see. Bogus. I totally wimped out on myself. Unacceptable.

To make up for it I'm going to grab a bottle of wine and go over to a friend's for a "Twin Peaks" Marathon. Eat it, St. Valentine.


Sunday, February 13, 2005

It's like a freakin' David Lynch movie around here

It's like a freakin' David Lynch movie around here

this is an audio post - click to play


Joker's Boners

Joker's Boners

For those of you unfamiliar with writer Warren Ellis' website, every day or so he posts what he calls "Old Comics Zen". Below are his two latest entries:

I really think they speak for themselves and, in fact, they also speak for my juvenile sense of humor. I am but a child. *sigh*

With this title, I wonder how many hits from people looking for porn I'll get? Perhaps Gotham City won't be the only people ruing the day they mentioned the word boner.