Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The place I call Funkytown

The place I call Funkytown

And here's the (pretty much) final setup of the new place. We'll start with the typical and move to the atypical.

Here's the bedroom. It's got a bed. It's got some bookshelves. It's got the dressers. It's got two massive closets.

Here's the kitchen as viewed from the dining room. Besides containing any food, it's all put together.

Here's the living room as seen from the front door. That's my desk back there on the left.

Here's the living room as seen from the hallway. That's Captain Ron in HD on the television. What can I say? If Kurt Russell ran from president, I'd vote for him with no regard for his politics or platform.

This is perhaps my favorite feature of the new place. The bookshelves of DVDs and comics located in the dining room. It's like a nerd Mecca I can visit any time. That's her desk area, by the way.

So that's the new place. Not too shabby, no?

  • Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
  • Steamboy
  • History of Violence

    Listening to:
  • Haunted

  • Labyrinths: Selected Stories and Other Writings (Finished. Finally.)
  • Gunsmith Cats: Bean Bandits
  • Fury


  • In transit pictures

    In transit pictures

    Just what it says. Here's the place while it was still getting set up.

    First things first: we had to get the TV and DVD player up and running.

    This photo and the follow were taken one right after the other. Here's what the ladies were doing at this moment...

    ...and here're the guys. You'll notice a suspicious absence of pictures of the guys carrying all of the heavy furniture up and down stairs and into and out of trucks and apartments. You might guess who took these pictures.

    The little lady building one of our myriad new bookshelves.

    I believe this is what was left for Jessie and me after all the help left. I fell ill for several days shortly after this photograph was taken.

    Next up is the finished place. Try not to die from anticipation.


    Da movink

    Da movink

    I'm all moved in to the new place, save for a few stray boxes. I'm back on ze Intarvub, and I'll send pictures of the in process and finished place soon. In the meantime, I'm going to watch "Lost" in HD. That's right, I'm HD capable and connected. I'm...oh, so happy!

    Stay tuned for the goods.
