It probably wasn't important anyway
Friday, December 24, 2004
Thursday, December 23, 2004
One ladies man, hold the ladies
One ladies man, hold the ladies
Is it just me or does every guy of discerning taste have the biggest crush on Shannyn Sossamon? I just sat through 40 Days & 40 Nights just to watch her in it. Then again, I only made it through Blade: Trinity because of Jessica Biel despite her terrible acting.
I think that should suffice as a review. Nice action. Plot sucks. Hot chick. Bam.

The transient dead cat blues
The transient dead cat blues
So a Texas woman whose cat died brought some of her belated feline's DNA to California company--I swear to fucking Christ this is the company's real name--Genetic Savings and Clone to have her dead cat cloned for a $50,000 pittance. Nothing like a pun in your name to make people take your genetic research seriously.
(Holding the remains of her cat)
Excuse me?
(Speaking into the phone, flashing the "one minute" finger at the WOMAN)
Yeah. Yeah. Uh-huh. Uh-hahahaha! That's so Judy! Ohoho-ha-hmmmmm.
(Off of the WOMAN's glare)
Yeah, Dr. Clonenstein, I've gotta go. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Doctor! I've got a customer here! Uh-huh. Well, we'll see later on, won't we, Doctor? 'K bye.
(turning to the woman)
Welcome to Genetic Savings and Clone! (NOTE: That still sounds fucking fake to me.) How can we be of service today?
(plopping her dead cat on the counter)
My cat. I think it's broken.
Hmmm. Well, we can have our technicians look at it or--if you still have a valid warranty--we can just give you a new one. There will be a $50,000 cloning fee if you do choose that option, however.
Oh, fuck it. I've had this one for seventeen years already, and I've got more money than God. Just clone me a new one.
Okay, ma'am. There will be a 5-7 wait for cloning time and shipping and handling. Will that be cash, check or credit?
Cash, bitch. I'm fucking made of money.
Then they kiss.
What's the deal, lady? You can't find a cat with a similar temperment as your old one for a under a grand or what? This is exactly the kind of shit I'm going to do once my rap album goes triple platinum. I guess what they say is true: "Money makes you a crazy bitch."

Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Serenity @ 25,000'
Serenity @ 25,000'
For anyone taking a flight in the foreseeable future I recommend two things. Bring a Grant Morrison graphic novel with you and have Badly Drawn Boy's Have You Fed the Fish? in your playlist.
I was so fucking Zen on my way from LA to St. Louis. Maybe it was the caffeine withdrawal. Maybe the jet lag. When I was coming in over St. Louis and saw the lights abstracted because of distance I started wondering if that was what space looked like from the fourth dimension. There was a baby (and her parents) sitting next to me in my line of view out the window, and she seemed to fit right in with the abstracted 2D space light. Maybe my guts understood what a natural match that was (babies and outer space) in 2001: A Space Odyssey, but my brain still can't quite figure it out.
While on the ground and in the terminal, listen to The Postal Service's Give Up. Shit moves in slow motion, man. If you have a connecting flight, make sure you fit in a good meal, too.
A must, must buy is a pair of noise cancelling headphones. I wouldn't recommend the cheapy Maxwell pair I got from Best Buy, but they work well enough. I've got mixed feelings about crowds. I don't like my personal space being invaded by strangers, but I love the feeling of anonymity that being in a mob lends to the individual. Put on a pair of noise cancelling headphones, and it's like admitting yourself into a plexiglass prisoner that moves wherever you do. Shutting out the sounds around one's self goes a long way to promoting introspection.
Like I said, my flights were fucking Zen today. Now I just have to find a pair of noise cancelling headphones that completely shut out outside noise. I would never take them off once I got off of work.
So I'm going to figure out tomorrow how I'm going to see as many people I know in this part of the States as I can in the next two weeks. I'm going to try and make it up to Champaign sometime soon. Holla if you're going to be in the area so's I can meet up with you and have a few drinks with you.

Sunday, December 19, 2004
Here's the deal: I worked a 15 hour day on Friday, worked a 3PM-4AM today (Saturday) and was supposed to work another 3PM-question I haven't gone to sleep or eaten breakfast yet. In the middle of the day, however, the big-wigs decided to let us off a day early for our break. I was all like, "Hellz yeah, bitch! I can do all the things tomorrow/today that I meant to do before work yesterday/today!"
When I started thinking about it, though, it just turns out I need to go to the comic shop to pick up some books for the flight back to Illinois. And clean my apartment. And drop off the production van. I think that's it.
So this basically means I have all day to look at comics and listen to music while I get shit done. Did I mention the new Tom Waits album rocks?
I'm so excited I could spit, but I'm not going to because I'm drinking some tea at the moment. I'm also going to hit the sack because it's nearly five in the morning for Christ's sake, and I've been up since 10:30AM. Peace out, playaz.
[NOTE: I don't feel tired, but my arbitrary addition of "Z's" to words speaks otherwise.]