Between magic numbersWhen I'm more awake--perhaps this weekend--I'll regale you of tales about my birthday festivities from yesterday. I turned (quarter century)-1=x. It was all very low key. A good thing for my only day off this past weekend.
This was the only bad thing about my birthday. I got really into the World Cup this year. (What was I to do? Our
DP is Irish. His camera operator is English. Our entire transporation team is Mexican...except for the English guy. It's infectious.) After France started doing really well being led by their team captain,
Zinédine Zidane, who also announced his retirement after this year's World Cup, I began to champion the French football club even before the champion
ship. Imagine my excitement when Zidane and his club made it to the final match. How great would it have been for him to go out on top? Known to be amongst the world's greatest penalty kickers--like
France's only goal in this year's Cup--and knowing that his team was coming up on a penalty kick situation for a win, Zidane lost his shit and headbutted a dude in the chest. It was a solid headbutt, certainly, but no matter what a dude is saying to you on the field, you take care of that kind of thing using the game and with a tire-iron after. Win the game first, man. What a disappointing way to end a great career.
Despite all that, however, Zidane still won the award for
best player in the Cup.
At least
my boys pulled one out in extra innings against the Astros yesterday.
Watching:The Testament of Orpheus
Superman Returns
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America, Erik Larson
Jack Kirby's New Gods, Jack Kirby
Earth X, Alex Ross, Jim Krueger, John Paul Leon (A great all-encompassing, engrossing and contemplative dystopian future of the Marvel universe.)