Rock and/or Roll
So I picked up Rock Band for the PS3 the other day. It's fun, but I do have some gripes. First, my Guitar Hero 3 peripheral isn't compatible with Rock Band. Until someone issues a patch, I have no bass player. Also, the guitar that came with Rock Band already broke. Sure, EA's customer service was thorough and satisfactory. In fact, they're sending me a new guitar that should arrive tomorrow, but a broken peripheral after only two days' use? Unacceptable.
Gripes aside, the game DOES make one feel like a rock star. Jessie and I have already started a band called "MC Whiskerton"--named after the little man--and we've built a fan base 300,000 strong with her being the esteemed vocalist and me, the modest drummer. Not only do we get to sing/drum/simulate guitar or bass to some fantastic songs, it's made me curious about rock and roll history. I'm starting with some major names in classic rock (AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, The Who, The Doors) and moving on from there (some Metallica, a couple of albums from Rush so far). It's pretty interesting stuff, and it means I'm rocking out pretty much constantly. It's rare that a game bleeds over into my reality like this, but I don't see it stopping anytime soon with promised weekly downloadable content.

I doubt that they will make the controllers compatible with each other anytime soon. Rock band and Guitar hero are now separate entities as one is owned by MTV and the other by EA.
Or so I read in SPIN Magazine.
by the by how did it break and how hard was Jess rocking it?
Actually, Harmonix (who makes Rock Band) is owned by MTV and distributed by EA. Neversoft won the Guitar Hero III license, and that's being published by Activision. EA and Activision being rivals, I can see your point on controller compatibility. I would think that consumer pressure would incline Neversoft to assist Harmonix in making a patch for their game. I can't imagine that Neversoft and Harmonix--both DEVELOPERS--would have any harsh sentiments toward one another, but it all comes back to the money men in the end, I suppose.
Also, the initial guitar releases were defective, the down-strum mechanism being a common problem. They sent me a new guitar at no cost to me. They're also giving me a free game. That's some good customer service, dawg.
oh yeah, that's right. Shows how much attention I pay to game developers.
A free game? At no cost? Microsoft should take notes!
I hope the red ring of death is not serious.
It's pretty serious, I think. It's the reason why Microsoft extended the warranty for the 360.
It is pretty serious, which is why its a 3 year free warranty. And apparently I am going to have to send this thing in alot from what Im reading online. Stupid crappy system.
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