Tuesday, June 26, 2007



I just finished watching Michael Moore's new one, Sicko, and it's his best to date. I say this respecting the man's viewpoint but rarely how he presents that viewpoint. He's a one-sided spotlight-seeker, and his films are typically the weaker because of it.

Unlike his previous two films, Moore didn't add to the sensationalism to already sensational events (namely, the Columbine shootings and 9/11). In fact, no "event" as such triggered the making of the film. With regards to Moore's tactics, there's nothing new here, but the subject matter lends itself better Moore's typical approach. The human interest angle works better here because we don't need to identify with people involved in extraordinary situations half a nation away. We only need to think of all the times we ourselves have had to sort out an insurance nightmare to empathize with those interviewed.

And like any Michael Moore film, there are plenty of shock moments and plenty of tear-jerker moments. I don't mind telling you that I stayed strong the whole movie until an American woman became bankrupt battling her illness (and her insurance company) for twenty years broke down crying after arriving in Cuba and having her illness treated for free. All the hospital needed from her was her name and birth date. There's something wrong when a Third World nation provides better health care for its people than the richest nation on Earth.

Watch it and be outraged.


Amateur golfer, party animal

Amateur golfer, party animal

Apparently I won the British Amateur golf tournament this weekend. I celebrated today by watching a movie, then by washing my car and doing some laundry.

This weekend I also worked, went to the beach and watched Lawrence of Arabia in 70mm. And that was just Saturday (in addition to winning that tournament, obviously). Sunday was my sister's birthday and a party celebrating mine and Jessie's engagement. The following are some highlights (and lowlights).

The happy couple.

Jessie facing down our superhero friend, The Irritable Jake.

Our gracious hosts.

Me mid-bite and D minus 30. The 'D', you see, stands for drunk.

Jessie with our friend, Julia.

A photo of the engagement party crew.

Our cake, made with much love and little skill.

Momma, I'm 'unna be a star!

Drunken Beastie Boys karaoke. The cornerstone of any fine soiree. That's our buddy, David spitting rhymes next to me.

And that was the weekend in a nutshell. Pretty busy. It's actually kind of nice just to sit around and watch a movie, wash a car, do the dishes, do the laundry, run the errands, finish my book, plan tomorrow's movie binge, have dinner with a friend...

Oh, wait.

  • "The Wire - Season One"
  • "Millennium - Season Two"
  • "Masters of Horror: John Landis: Deer Woman"
  • "Masters of Horror: John Carpenter: Cigarette Burns"
  • Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
  • Kwaidan
  • The Spirit of the Beehive
  • Diary of a Lost Girl

  • Absolute Watchmen, Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons (Finished.)
  • The Atomic Bazaar: The Rise of the Nuclear Poor, William Langewiesche (Finished.)
  • Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla : Biography of a Genius, Marc Seifer


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