Friday, February 04, 2005

Ossie Davis

Ossie Davis

Ossie Davis has passed away.

I'm a little worried. First it was Carson, now Davis. These kinds of things tend to happen in threes and--with entertainers of such high caliber--the next one might be another doozy.


Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Flattering? Yes. Absurd? Yes again. Fateful sign? Mmmmmaybe...

Flattering? Yes. Absurd? Yes again. Fateful sign? Mmmmmaybe...

this is an audio post - click to play


It always runs out when you need it most

It always runs out when you need it most

I'm a sick little boy at the moment, and I just ran out of Kleenex (or "facial tissue" if one wants to identify it by its sadly archaic term). Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but due to a mix up at the payment offices of LLP I still haven't received my check from the last week of McBride 4. They sent my check to my old address. They've sent the five checks previous to that one to my correct, current address. I'm simply baffled how something like that can happen.

The problem resides in my current financial account situation. I don't have the check I should have had weeks ago. My official last check (for a while) from them hasn't arrived yet. It's going to be at least two weeks until I get paid for any background work.

I've delayed explicitly stating the problem enough, though: I'm having to budget what money I have left to figure out how much I need for food for how long and if I can spare any money to even afford Kleenex...Kleenex! People should be issued a lifetime supply when they're children!

Oh, what a sad state of affairs. A sad, snotty state indeed.


Tuesday, February 01, 2005

More money! Less fun!

More money! Less fun!

Being a background is really, really boring. Looks like I'll get a lot of reading done. The best part of my day was coming back from lunch. Two guys who'd just met started human beatboxing and freestyle rapping. The guy who rapped did it in a Jamaican accent. It was fucking keen.

* * *

When I got home, I saw a CD had been slipped under my door. At first I thought it was a copy of Hitman:Chronicles from my landlord because he wanted to see how it ran on my computer. It turns out it was a CD from a band called The Paper Dolls.

[Quick backstory: a few weeks ago I was walking down Melrose, and a very attractive female approached me.

Do you like rock and roll music?

Buh, I like whatever you like.

Would you like to hear a sample of my band, The Paper Dolls? We're playing in the Los Angeles area for a while.

Whatever you say.

I'm selling CD's.

(rocking out)
Sold, hot girl!

When I got home, unfortunately, the CD was blank (despite the label telling me otherwise). I contacted the band via and let them know my dilemma. "No problem," the attractive lady responded, "I'm going to be on Melrose tomorrow. Just stop by again."

So I stopped by Melrose again. No girl. I sent her another message via MySpace, and basically said I was going to chalk it up as a loss, halfway thinking that the whole thing was a hoax. She wrote back: "Horsefeathers! You'll get your CD! What's your address?" So I gave it to her.

That was a long backstory.]

She didn't mail me the CD. She hand-delivered it to my freaking doorstep with handwritten thank yous and the next venue and time they'd be playing in LA. How hardcore is that? Major, major props to the young lady. Her name's Katrina, by the way, and if you're on MySpace you should check out her band's page here or just do a search for "The Paper Dolls" under the "Music" tab. I'm just sad I missed her knocking at my door.


Monday, January 31, 2005

From the creators of Sandman...

From the creators of Sandman...

Mirrormask is a cinematic collaboration between Neil Gaiman, Dave McKean & the Jim Henson Company. Watch the trailer. I needn't say more.


Sunday, January 30, 2005

I'll take a large call sandwich with some extra nervous...

I'll take a large call sandwich with some extra nervous...

Looks like I have my first job as an extra coming up on Tuesday. It's for a Cingular commercial, and it pays $157 for the day. I think my biggest fear of this whole thing is not having a very diverse wardrobe. I keep thinking that they'll want me to wear a suit. Yikes. It probably won't be the case for this one because I look so young. They might have me in a stroller, though, because they tend to cast older actors for younger parts. I have to call on Monday night to get all the information then actually register with the backgroung casting company when I arrive on set on Tuesday. I'm a little nervous. I just have to remember that if I get confused with everything it's most likely their fault, not mine. I just hope they don't want me to wear a suit.