Saturday, October 08, 2005



Seriously, I think this is going to be my new form of city transportation (on my off days). It's a hell of an physical/spiritual exercise regime.

  • Serenity
  • Django
  • The Happiness of the Katakuris (I'm a huge fan of any film whose first spoken dialogue is a shrieked, "My uvula!")

  • The Invisibles: Say You Want a Revolution (Finished.)
  • A Sound of Thunder and Other Stories
  • The Amazing Joy Buzzards, vol. 1


  • Done!


    I may have gotten home at 3:30 AM, but it's finally over! I can finally breathe again.

    *deep breath...*

    Good night...or morning.


    Wednesday, October 05, 2005

    Who wished Interesting Times upon me?

    Who wished Interesting Times upon me?

    Ever had one of those days where you've had to deal with 65 mph winds; watch your director--the one who's nicknamed Ned Flanders (rightly so)--scream at your sound mixer, calling him a "liar on top of an asshole" in front of the whole crew; get enveloped in flame during a fireball-y incident involving me, a blowtorch and waaay too much propane (I'm fine, but I still smell burnt hair...because the fire also scorched my nose hair); and return to the safety of home to discover that your sister is getting married?

    Yeah. Me, too.

  • "Firefly"

  • A Sound of Thunder and Other Stories
  • I Am Legion


    (Two more days in the shoot. Can't wait until it gets exciting.)

  • Tuesday, October 04, 2005

    I need a day off and less mutilated, mutant fetuses (not necessarily in that order)

    I need a day off and less mutilated, mutant fetuses (not necessarily in that order)

    I guarantee everyone a light-hearted post the day after I get at least ten hours of sleep and several days after watching a mutant fetus get sliced in twain by its father. (David Lynch, you're a sick son of a bitch.)

  • Eraserhead
  • Mirrormask (I really wished I liked this movie. While I found the film pretty but dull, Jessie loved it. She claims [rightly so] that the young-woman-in-a-distant-land-who's-a-princess-and-saves-the-day probably appealed more to her than to me, but I still had high hopes for Gaiman and McKean.)

  • I Am Legion


  • Sunday, October 02, 2005

    Yarrrrrrgh, this shoot be cursed, I say! Cursed!

    Yarrrrrrgh, this shoot be cursed, I say! Cursed!

    Here's a list of some of the bad things that have happened during this shoot, but mostly in the past week:

  • The aforementioned perversion of the cattle and their subsequent stampede
  • A plague of yellowjackets
  • Duststorms that destroyed tents (with the winds) and respiratory systems (with the dustiness)...
  • ...that came the same day that the fires started (which, incidentally, are only a few miles south of where we're shooting)...
  • ...which caused an hour and a half delay in shooting while we waiting for a fire marshall that wasn't helping fight the fire
  • We discovered that four days worth of film is unusuable due to some defect with the film, the development of the film or some other film-related foul-up
    (they've since added at least two days onto the end of the shoot to reshoot the lost scenes)

  • "Lost: Adrift"
  • Amelie
  • Django
  • (and to cheer me up...) Eraserhead (Bad timing, Netflix. I wish there was a "SEND IT BACK UNTIL I'M IN A BETTER MINDSET FEATURE" on that site. I've gotta learn to watch some movies the instant I receive them, because the window for watching some movies remains open for only a day or two. Rats.)

  • A Sound of Thunder and Other Stories (kindly borrowed from Rachel, our script supervisor)
  • I Am Legion
