Wednesday, May 05, 2004

I don't know. It just feels good.

I don't know. It just feels good.

For the past mmmmmmmm several months, I'd fallen into a funk. Everyday felt the same as the last, and I didn't have any highs or lows. I'd begun to resent this area. To some extent I still do, but seeing the same sites for four years will do that to a fella. This past week or so, however, I've gotten some kind of superhuman boost. Due to circumstances that need not be divulged here, I ended up spending a good portion of my weekend with people I didn't know. Those of you who know me know that I'm not so good with the meeting the new people. On the other hand, I had my reasons for meeting and hanging out with these new people, so I just ended up biting the bullet contrary to my current nature.

Strangely enough I ended up having a damn fine time. I hung out with--with few exceptions--strangers until 5 AM this past Saturday and had a blast. Sunday I spent about three hours chit-chatting with someone and didn't really feel the time pass despite a few silent, awkward moments.

As some of your may know, Becca and Guido host a pipe party every Tuesday night at Becca's place. Tonight is the first time in a while that I actually felt like I was participating in a social event in a meaningful manner. It's not surprising that I felt this way perhaps because I knew most of the people there. What is surprising is that I went to sleep at a little after 2 AM, got up at 5:30 AM, and feel like I could continue for another full day. To put it mildly: this is good.

Now, I've got a paper to write for, sometime. I've been poorly keeping track of my classes lately, so I'm assuming I have to turn in the paper by noon. None of that's important. What is important is that I'm going to be going out tomorrow (read: Wednesday) night, and you should come too. If things keep going as they have been--and there's no reason to doubt that they won't--I will personally guarantee you a good time. All you have to do is show up. I can't guarantee that I'll be naked or dancing on tables or anything, but I will be making sure people feel welcome. Come out. Have a few drinks. Tell me how you're doing. That's all I ask, and I hope to see many of you tomorrow (read: Wednesday) night. Salud.