Monday, April 12, 2004

LA: Once and for all

LA: Once and for all

Alright. I haven't been doing any posts because I've been waiting to finish the LA posts before I start any others. Obviously that hasn't been working out for me. So, here is the abridged version of the trip--LA in bullet points:

  • We got lost on the LA bus system because we got off at the wrong (of at least three--possibly more) Lakeview Drive. We had to walk the mile and a half back to Hollywood Blvd going against LA highway traffic. It was like fun, only not.

  • We roomed with a Versace model who Naomi subsequently went on a date with., that was a poorly constructed sentence. No matter. She might be swinging by his hometown on the road trip back to LA.

  • We went to Club Vodka, a strip/heavy metal club with the former bassist for Blondie (the aforementioned Brian). While there, we followed a stripper outside so she and Brian could smoke pot next to a residential area. She got caught by Club Vodka security. We went back inside, but the guy Brian had wanted to hear play got too drunk and went in search of heroin. They put a classic rock cover band on instead. We had a brush with the bassist from Pink Floyd, and I learned that I get uncomfortable when there's a dancer right in front of me that I haven't tipped with a shitty classic rock band behind her. I didn't want to watch the band because they suck, and I felt bad watching the dancer because I hadn't tipped her. Quite the dilemma.

  • We went to Venice Beach on Friday, and it's pretty dull when it's not crowded with people. I did have an ice cream cone there, which I hadn't had for about a year before that. It was tasty bubblegum.

    If I've forgotten anything, Naomi and I will comment on it later. And lest we forget, the list of celebrity sightings for the week (unabridged) in chronological order:

  • Kevin Spacey
  • Martin Lawrence
  • Samuel L. Jackson
  • Robert "Fucking" Duvall (I don't make the nicknames; I just enforce 'em)
  • Richard Kind (I know the name might not be familiar, but the face should be.)

    Okay. That should fulfill my obligation to myself to fill everyone in on LA. There are more stories and details, but those are really context specific. Some of them are also very tedious. I'll spare them to those readers that appreciate brevity.

    One minute later and in other news...

    I just spell-checked my post, and when it got to "bubblegum", it suggested I instead use "publicans." It almost works phonetically, but my spellchecker has never once spoken a single word to me and I sure as hell didn't burst out "Bubblegum!" when I typed it. Maybe it sounds out the words while it reads them. I don't know, man. I don't know.

    Also, this happened to me this morning:

    "I got Friendster'd today by a 35 gay Wiccan from Arcola who had semi-nude pictures of himself in his picture gallery. His message? 'Hello from Arcola!' As far as I know, these kinds of things only happen to me."

    Today's been like reality except skewed veeerrry slightly.