Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The greatest thing that has ever happened ever

The greatest thing that has ever happened ever

The greatest thing that could ever happen to any person has happened to me: I have the opportunity to be a zombie in a zombie movie. I must be the happiest person who ever lived, then died, then came back to feast on the brains of the living. The dead hate the living.

Brad, this one's for you.

  • "Samurai Champloo - Volume 5"
  • The Sentinel

  • The Originals (Finished.)
  • Conan Volume 1: The Frost Giant's Daughter And Other Stories (Finished.)
  • Promethea (Book 4) (Finished.)
  • The Walking Dead Vol. 3: Safety Behind Bars (Finished.)
  • The Walking Dead Vol. 4: The Heart's Desire (If you're not reading Walking Dead and you like zombie movies, you should pick up the first book at least. Both the writing and art are clicking, and each volume is $15 or less. It's some really great stuff.)
