Friday, January 13, 2006

Self-sabotage is both an art and a comedy

Self-sabotage is both an art and a comedy

We had one of those days at work today that looked easy on paper--only a few actors, no background, indoors in the same set at the same time of day in all the scenes--but we somehow managed to screw it up. We cut two of the four scenes, and we spent from 9:30 in the morning until we wrapped at 6:45 this evening on a single scene. Dumbfounding really.

It's especially tough as I look now at the comic purchases I made this past weekend and try to force myself not to be too tired to read them. The purchases are as follows:Swamp Thing Vol. 1: Saga of the Swamp Thing, Conan Volume 1: The Frost Giant's Daughter And Other Stories, and The ACME Novelty Library #16. It's such a great haul, but I'm just too exhausted to crack them open.)

The good bit is that everyone survived today, Friday the 13th with a full moon on a scary-ass ranch in the middle of nowhere. That's serial killer country, folks, and not one single murder took place there tonight (to my knowledge). That's something at least.


Thursday, January 12, 2006

Oddly enough, it IS a small world after all

Oddly enough, it IS a small world after all

I went to high school with one of the background actors from work today. High school was in Alton, IL, half a nation away. Work was a very low budget Hallmark movie at a ranch north of LA but south of the desert. We were, in fact, in a play together in high school.

Now we've not only worked together half a nation away, we currently live just a mile away from one another. Random.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Another day, another furtive look over one's shoulder

Another day, another furtive look over one's shoulder

I am very much not looking forward to starting work again tomorrow. At least I'm not looking forward to working with the same company. Word on the street is that there's some bad vibes from the big-wigs headed in my direction because of an incident that I described in a previous post. The whole thing got blown out of proportion by the gentleman referenced in the previous post, so the producers now think I'm some sort of mole revolutionary, poised to breed dissent in the ranks of their already disgruntled soldiers.

So it's my duty to keep my head down for the first week or so. (How much farther down can one's head even go if one is only a production assistant?) No worries, though. I've been re-evaluating my job at that company for some time, and I think it's time to set sail for greener pastures after this show. In the meantime: head down, mouth shut.

  • Grandma's Boy (Hiiiilarious. Much funnier than the overrated 40 Year Old Virgin and Wedding Crashers.)
  • "Samurai Champloo - Volume 1"

  • Belief or Nonbelief?
  • The Arcanum


  • Sunday, January 08, 2006

    David Hasselhoff: Agent of SHIELD

    David Hasselhoff: Agent of SHIELD

    I stumbled across this little gem while flipping through the channels while waiting for "The Simpsons". Yep. It's a made for TV Nick Fury movie starring David Hasselhoff. It's as gruesomely brilliant as one might expect.

  • The Magic Christian
  • The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser

  • Belief or Nonbelief?
  • The Arcanum

    Listening to:
  • The College Dropout, Kanye West
  • Late Registration, Kanye West
  • The New Danger, Mos Def
  • The Invisible Landscape, Terence McKenna
