And this year's one-line Emmy goes to...
And this year's one-line Emmy goes to...
So I got thrown a line in the latest Larry Levinson Productions (LLP) opus. Here's a little taste:
Sheriff Birch, I think I found something.
In fact, that's the whole taste. That's my entire role in the film. Truly breathtaking, I know.
I recently joined SAG because I do background work in commercials occasionally, and the union/non-union pay ratio is usually something like 3:1. The producers of the most recent LLP movie I'm working on knew I'd just turned union and threw me a line. In saying that one line, I became what the industry calls a contracted day playing actor. What that meant for me is that in that one day I got paid about what I normally make in a week and a half of real work.
My credit card debt thanks you, LLP. And all you Hallmark Channel addicts: watch out for my small screen debut in a little nugget called Claire.