An imported beer? Three dollars. A great conversation? Six to nine dollars, depending on how long you stay.
An imported beer? Three dollars. A great conversation? Six to nine dollars, depending on how long you stay.
I found a place (a vendor of spirits, a bar) that serves imported beer for $3. Three dollars for a goddamn import beer in Los Angeles! That's a great price for Red Stripe on any block of any town, much less one of the big three metropolitan areas of this great nation.
Not only that, I had one of those conversations at this establishment for the first time since I moved here. You know, one of those conversations that are relentless in their pace and scope. I went out after work with Nikki, a co-worker of mine, who also wants to be a writer. Unlike me, however, she actually has several scripts written.
Our topics ranged from UFO's/aliens to politics to writing to humor (tastes, what makes something funny, etc.) to religion to evolution to blah, blah, blah. I hope to make this kind of thing a regular occurrence. At six bucks at a time, it's more than worth the money.
Also, I've noticed that my ads at the side of my page have turned from "Kid tested, Drew-approved" comic ads to ads touting Hummers, ugly limos and various other vehicular abominations. What a sick joke.
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