Saturday, January 29, 2005

The only war documentary I have a real interest in seeing

The only war documentary I have a real interest in seeing

Gunner Palace. Watch the trailer.


He actually reads his emails!

He actually reads his emails!

That's my email to the man himself he posted, people!

I'm not sure if you guys can see it on the screen capture above, but go to Warren Ellis' website. Go ahead and scroll down the posts on 28/1/2005. The bottom-most post is an email with the title "The People, They Love Me". An email I sent Warren Ellis--THE MAN--and he posted it on his page. I told him to "dig that crazy syntax", and he did.

I am pleased. Oh yes, I am pleased.

* * *

I also met a woman the other day whose fingertip was bitten off by a tiger from when she used to work in the circus. Her name's Ann, and she was a snake-handler.


The no job blues

The no job blues

Good lord. I've spent the last two days of my life just vegging out. I need to find a job but quick, or I'm going to go insane-like. I've got an appointment with Nikki's rival casting agency on Monday, but I definitely need to find some work so's I can stop feeling like a schlub. Sad it's only been two weeks, but apparently it's enough to drive a man crazy.


Wednesday, January 26, 2005

What do you call a good plague?

What do you call a good plague?

Today alone I've received five Friendster messages from people I don't know. I was actually deleting the four previous message notification emails when a fifth one popped up. This is crazy. When'd I become so popular? Must be that brand-spankin' new headshot! I just put up the other day. People just can't resist that professional quality.

Incidentally, I've also become internationally famous. Today alone I've been contacted by people from Portugal, Nigeria and, uh...Texas. How metropolitan!


While I'm sitting here waiting for calls back...

While I'm sitting here waiting for calls back...'s another funny site. It's a website called Spamusement! Poorly-drawn cartoons inspired by actual spam subject lines!.

I think the title of the site pretty much explains it all. The really funny ones tend to be those that have sexual double entendres as titles...and then seeing that the comic is actually the non-sexual take on the phrase. For example, there's Tiny teen takes on the giant one-eyed monster! or She's got a suprise in her pants ;).

My absolute favorite so far, however, is you were wrong cabinet sanchez.



Hm. Brenda Starr or Boondocks. What does Josh think?

Hm. Brenda Starr or Boondocks. What does Josh think?

I just ran across a site called Josh Reads. It's short for "Josh Reads Comics (So You Don't Have To)". The upshot of the blog? This guy reads daily comics--a lot of them--and reviews those that he feels deserve reviewing or those that spark his interest in a tangential topic. It simple principle and the posts are great, but the real jewel of the site is the comments section of the page. Nearly every comment is hilarious or thought-provoking or otherwise worthy of sharing with fellow readers of the blog. Josh Reads has created an outstanding community out of a very simple concept: I'll read the comics page and let you know what I think about it and--hey!--why don't we all talk about what's going on socially, comically, politically or whateverly on the modern comics page. So simple, so good.

By the way, I especially recommend his post--and the subsequent comments--about today's (1/26/05) For Better or For Worse. Also note that as of today, you can find the website at either Josh Reads or The Comics Curmudgeon--the recently changed title of the site.


"My name's Drew, but my friends call me 'White Tiger'."

"My name's Drew, but my friends call me 'White Tiger'."

This is the most important essay you will ever read.

Fonzie's the man.


Monday, January 24, 2005

Here're the headshots, and I ain't talkin' sniping.

Here're the headshots, and I ain't talkin' sniping.

So I got my headshots taken yesterday, and I got a CD with the 114 shots back today. Now that's service. I picked out a few that I thought were pretty good or pretty funny. I'll start with some reference shots. These are shots that made me think of other pictures I'd seen.

This one makes me think of what Indiana Jones would look like in his little league picture.

Here's my version of a Simon & Garfunkel album cover.

This one I think is my favorite reference shot. This is me doing Girl with a Pearl Earring. It could also by the beginning of "The Alfred Hitchcock Hour".

Enough of the reference shots. Here are some of the real ones.

Here's me looking vaguely roguish. Perhaps somewhat devilish. Or ambiguously malevolent. They all mean pretty much the same thing. That was just a vocab test.

"Hi. I didn't shave."

Here I'm just being plain ol' sexy. You know, I'm just hanging out being a big ol' sex pot.

I call this "Sad, placid pools of white hot passion!" It's virtually the same as the previous but in color. I point that out in particular for my canine readers.

I think this one's my actual, actual favorite. This'll probably be my headshot. Or will it?? Only you can decide! Vote early! Vote often!
[NOTE: I probably won't heed your advice.]

So there we have it. A small sample of yesterday's photo shoot. Not too shabby for an hour's worth of stolen soul if I do say so myself...and I do...


Yep. He's a funny guy. I would know.

Yep. He's a funny guy. I would know.

Hey guys. I just saw this article on Ain't It Cool. The film's called Stephen Tobolowsky's Birthday Party, and it looks to be a bit of a hoot. I worked with this dude on McBride 4, and the man is funny as hell. I have no doubt that the documentary will be fantastic.


Sunday, January 23, 2005

Where's Johnny?

Where's Johnny?

I don't know if you guys heard, but Johnny Carson died this morning. Here's a link to his obituary. I remember watching "The Tonight Show" with my parents as a kid and loving every second that Carson was on screen. He truly was one of the funniest men on television.


Ah, Serendipity

Ah, Serendipity

I must say, I've had a rather fun time tonight. A fun time, I might add, aided by the gods. I was supposed to go to a party at a friend's (acually several friends') place, but I got a call just before I hit the highways telling me they were coming down to Hollywood, toward my neck of the woods. This allowed me to come back to my place, finish the comic I was reading and talk to my landlord about computer specs for a game he just bought (Hitman: Contracts for those who might be interested).

I met up with said friends at Bronson Bar, a bar that merely said "Cocktails" on the outside that, of course, denotes its coolness. I ordered a Red Stripe, hoping they actually had Newcastle. The barmaiden said they didn't have Red Stripe, then listed off the beers they did have. When she said "Corona", I just asked for that. Instead she brought me a Newcastle. Golden.

While we were there, we met another friend of ours that came independently of us. At another point I was sitting at a table we had Shanghai-ed from the people sitting adjacent to us, and we were asked to move by the owner because he wanted to entertain a certain group. Those of us sitting at the table got our next drinks free. This came just as I was discussing with a friend that I didn't have money for another drink. After that, I was talking with a young lady about which people she and I should shoulder to make our way to the bathroom. She complimented my sweater, so I knew she was a cool cat. It turns out this particular cool cat knew the owner, so I ended up getting another free drink and getting to stay after the bar was closed to hang out with her and her cool friends. She also happened to be from Chicago. This, by the way, is not the first time that me and someone from Chicago have hit it off in Los Angeles. It must be an Illinois thing.

So all in all, I had a pretty darn good night. Two free drinks and a new friend. I'm supposed to hang out with this young lady tomorrow (strictly as friends, by the way) to have a few more cocktails and shoot the breeze. Unfortunately I'll have to cut it short because I'm doing the last of my McBride work on Monday in the early AM.

Not too bad for a night that started at 11 PM.