Saturday, July 31, 2004

Who are these strangers?

Who are these strangers?

When I walked into my apartment's elevator at 5:20 this morning there was a thong hanging on the railing inside. It made me wonder what happens after I go to bed and before I normally wake up in this place. It also made me wonder how long I'd been missing it. Who are these people that live in my building? To rephrase and in addition: what kind of person puts a thong on an elevator railing? It's like a mark of ownership. "I claim this land for Sex!"

The shoot was awesome today. Awesome except that I woke up at ten 'til five and I only just got home. And I have to wake up tomorrow at five thirty. Tomorrow's the hard day. But yeah, it was a great crew to work with and, more importantly, there were actually guys my age. It was really fun jiving with the other PA's. I think, just for his name, Manu was my favorite. The other guys were a little more relaxed and had better senses of humor, but Manu was kind of quiet and a very hard worker. For whatever reason I took to him as if he was a puppy (and he in fact had similar qualities). I had to refrain myself from the following jokes about his name, however:

  • Manu-Manu (I know you're out there you "Mork & Mindy" fans.)
  • The Indian Manhunter (He and The Martian Manhunter are distant cousins.)
  • Maneater (I actually used this one...several times.)
  • Fu Manu (Accent on the "nu".)
  • And so on.

    Believe it or not, the commercial is starring Blair Underwood, the very same star I was supposed to be getting a call about working with on "LAX". He's the shit, a real nice guy. Plus he had some badass shoes. Granted, he wardrobe actually created his costume, but he looked like a mother fucker in it. I wonder what size feet he has. Perhaps his shoes will go "missing" and onto "my feet" after tomorrow's shoot...
    I got to touch him. I. Touched. Blair Underwood. It was everything I hoped it would be and more. I'll remember that handshake for as long as I live. Blah blah blah.

    Also, I worked with a guy the other day who called cigarettes "stogies". It got kind of old after he bummed half of my "stogies", but I originally thought it was kind of cool. I pass it on to you for your enjoyment.

    Okay, kids. I've got to get some sleep or I will die. Half a relaxing Sunday for me.


  • Friday, July 30, 2004



    I've got a 6 AM call time tomorrow, and I have to make it all the way across town. That means I have to wake up at five. I don't like being responsible anymore.


    Thursday, July 29, 2004

    I'm sure this lends credibility to

    I'm sure this lends credibility to

    I can't seem to find my "FUCK COMMUNISM" lighter. I've been driving kids' parents' cars all day up steep slopes with shallow pockets. I'll let you put two and two together on where my lighter ended up. I hope that some parent with a sense of the absurd found it and not the one with the Barbie music tape playing did. I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

    On a different note: I've been watching DVDs of "The West Wing" that I got from the library, and I've got to say that that's a damn fine show. If you liked "Sports Night" or intelligent, funny television in general, you'll really get a kick out of "The West Wing".


    I could learn to sail

    I could learn to sail

    As you might know, I'm in the market for an apartment because I've only got one more month at my sublet. During my search I've run across some eye-opening specials like this one. Note the subject header "$70 / 3br - awesome luxury 3 bed 3 bath by the beach", and now take a look at the photos of the place. My first thought was: this cannot possibly be right. Then I saw it was for Rio De Janeiro. My second thought: I'm in the wrong part of the world. Then I saw that they're actually renting it for $100-$200 a day. That sounded about right. Well--to paraphrase Vincent Vega--it seemed excessive, but that didn't mean it wasn't right.

    Then I saw this puppy. Rent is cheap, and how sweet would it be to sail up to work in this baby? Oh wait, Los Angeles is covered in concrete. Also, does that eviction warning mean one person in addition to the leasee? Now, granted I don't know much about sailing, but it seems a little dangerous to be watching Direct-TV while sailing a boat even if it requires less attention than driving a car. Regardless, hat one's out.

    Looking for apartments is not fun, but I like how people include something utterly absurd in there. It breaks up the monotony of pages and pages of rent amount and addresses.


    It' s a tough job, but...

    It's a tough job, but...

    I worked half a day today which meant waking up at around six but only working until noon. As I was leaving, I got to pick up some lunch to go from craft services. I got to have a roasted salmon dish over rice with fat beef kabobs, some basil-roasted vegetables and some rasberry sauce on the side for the salmon. I will not get a gig this sweet ever again.


    Wednesday, July 28, 2004



    My day didn't start off all that well today. The location we were at was up in the hills. That means steep hills and twisting, narrow streets. 'Twas the hills that bested me this morn. I was parallel parking between two trucks, and from inside the car everything looked kosher. When I got out, though, it looked like my car was awfully close to the SUV behind me. I pull my car forward and, sure enough, her front plate was dented somewhat fierce. I didn't see any damage other than that, but I decided to leave a note with my phone number anyway just to be neighborly. Unfortunately, leaving a note these days can sometimes be an invitation for some asshole to take advantage (assuming they can pull off the insurance fraud). I was kind of nervous about it all day.

    I checked my messages when I got home and heard this:

    Drew, hi. It's Andrea with the Black Expedition. What goes around comes around. Something really good's going to happen to you. Thank you so much for leaving me that note. Um, got good news for you: my plate's been dented for years. Okay, but thank you because somebody took off my sideview mirror. It was five hundred dollars. They didn't leave a note. Anyway, bye.

    I should start playing poker, man. My shit's on fire right now. I mean, not my poo, but...

    ...let's just end this right here.


    Another day, another two hundred dollars

    Another day, another two hundred dollars

    I'm kind of liking this getting paid for my work thing. By this coming Monday, I'll have made $800 for four and a half days' work. I got $20/hour today. Sure, I work my ass off--today I got to paint sets and carry heavy objects up steep slopes in direct sunlight--but I'm pretty much geared to go for $200 a day. I got hired on for a half day for tomorrow getting the $20/hour again. I've got the day off on Friday, then back to work for an commercial at $175/day Saturday and Sunday. It's true what they say about California; there's gold in them thar hills.

    On top of all that I get to change my oil tomorrow! Hooray!

    I'm not sure what's happening at the moment. Clint goes out of town for the week, and I get phone calls for paid work flying at me faster than I can keep up with. I actually had to turn down a job for tomorrow this evening because I was already working another job. I'm thinking this week will be it for a while. Everything's coming up Drew, and it smells like sweat, paint and cold, hard cash.


    Tuesday, July 27, 2004

    "You can't blow up a school to disco music."

    "You can't blow up a school to disco music."

    I had a weird fucking dream last night. I think it came about because I've been ruminating on a line I read in Roger Corman's autobiography a month and a half ago. The quote was from a director working for Corman named Allan Arkush who Roger had hired to direct a picture initially titled Disco High. Arkush secretly brought in a little band from NYC called The Ramones to be the "disco" players at this high school. Two weeks before the shoot, Arkush approached Corman and broke the news to him.


    Roger, I've got to tell you: The Ramones aren't a disco band. They play punk rock.


    What? The title's Disco High. Why can't they be disco?


    You can't blow up a high school to disco music.

    After I read that, I realized that was an unassailable fact. You can no more blow up a school to disco than you can wear torn jeans and a t-shirt on a disco floor. What is also an assailable element within Arkush's statement is that there is something inherrent in the nature of rock and roll that enables and/or encourages one to blow up a school (mostly in the metaphorical sense).

    This brings me back to my dream that reconciles several elements I'd been half-heartedly thinking about in the past few months. The dream starts out with me in my high school auditorium full of my high school friends and peers. We're holding an assembly for the Oscars. They're at the high school and being hosted by my principal who in reality was a man but in the dream was a woman. Just like any assembly, the kids aren't hushed and attentive. They aren't going crazy, they just aren't all there. We clap when we're supposed to, but when the principal goes into her monologue about what the best actor award means in the grand scheme of things our attention drifts. The principal shushes, glares, but continues presenting despite everything. Then come the best picture category. She announces the nomination for Rock and Roll High School, starring Francois Truffaut (not in real life). The auditorium goes apeshit. People can't scream loud enough for this film. Through the chaos, the principal screams that the assembly is hereby cancelled. Everyone back to class!

    I'm in my basement talking to my high school journalism teacher and her husband who I've never met in real life. In my dream he's either a game show host (with wide, excited eyes, a tall forehead, and a mouth open in a perpetual smile), an astronomer or an astronomer with the qualities of a game show host. He is not (underlined), however, a game show host who is an amatuer astronomer. My journalism teacher doesn't understand rock and roll, and she asks me to explain it to her. As I'm about to launch into my explanation of rock and roll my alarm goes off, and I had to get up to go to work today. Here's what I would have said:

    Rock and roll is a music of aggitation. It's inherrent nature is anti-establishment. Since the term was coined, parents have always had a problem with "that kind of music". What is not rock and roll, however, is Elvis. The Beatles are not rock and roll. Ricky Nelson and The Everly Brothers are sure as hell not rock and roll. They are just primitive prototypes. Rock and roll is violence toward those that hate it and toward those that love it. If you don't get an anxious feeling while listening to a piece of music, it isn't rock and roll. To that end, punk rock is rock and roll in its purest form. Rock and roll is not just anti-establishment. With its violence toward both its detractors and its followers, rock and roll's politics are anarchistic. Rock and roll is a grenade thrown into a crowd of random people, and it is also the consequences of and after the explosion. Why didn't Osama bin Laden just turn up the fucking distortion on his Fender? Because rock and roll isn't terrorism. It's anarchy, and there's a big difference. It's antagonism without cause or agenda. There was a movement in the arts in the late teens and early twenties in the 20th century called Surrealism. That is rock and roll. In fact, a surrealist once said that the perfect surrealist piece would be to open fire into a crowd of people. Sound familiar? The difference being that Surrealism is not an inherently violent movement. Aggressive? Maybe, but violence was not implicit.

    There of course lies a problem in a capitalist society. To listen to the most popular rock and roll bands, you have (or had) to buy the album, buy a ticket for a concert or otherwise exchange legal tender to listen to something that, in its very nature, is anti-establishment (i.e. anti-capitalism). It should be noted that piracy is a form of rock and roll today.

    This is by no means a complete explanation (or perhaps even a coherent one--I haven't read back over it and don't plan to) to define rock and roll. But basing your answer on what I've just said I pose this question: is there any way for a mainstream band to be rock and roll? Putting aside the standard "selling out" stigmas, are these bands not firmly within the establishment by being mainstream regardless or how that may or may not affect their artistic integrity? Can you name mainstream bands that are party for days, drink 'til your dead, Russian roulette, knife to the throat rock and roll?


    PS - The reason why Francois Truffaut was in the movie in my dream was because the French tend to be theory revolters. That is, they get an idea into their heads, they discuss it in an intellectual forum. They become indignant. They revolt. See: the French Revolution. See: The Dreamers. In all honesty, it really should have been Godard.



    I just read this fascinating article on about a Halo 2 add. Click here to access it. It talks about a phenomenon called alternate reality games (ARG) used to promote a product. They're basically a series of fake websites that are setup to create--you guessed it--an alternate reality where readers are given certain clues. It's then up to the readers of these sites to put draw conclusions to these clues in order to gain access to further websites and in doing so, learning more about the product in question. Think of the way The Blair Witch Project used the Internet to advertise itself, and you'll get the idea. Its ARG is the reason why so many people believed the events in the film actually happened--the websites in the ARG said it was true.

    Here's one of the most recent ones. It's a link to a site called, and it has a connection with Bungie's upcoming Halo 2. Read the Gamespot article to see how. If you don't want the surprise ruined, go to and check it out for yourself.

    What a brilliant form of advertising. Not only does it was of advertising that encourages people to think, it completely immerses the reader/player in the material. It's almost like ebay. It's set up such that you feel like you've won everytime you learn something new about the product, and the player will want to buy the game to flesh out all the details of the clues the pieced together. I never thought I'd say this, but God bless the Internet for this cool form of advertising. Sure, it doesn't make up for the adware, spyware, banners, pop-up windows, and ad-execs breaking in through my windows, but it's a nice start.


    Monday, July 26, 2004

    In all its tinny glory

    In all its tinny glory

    this is an audio post - click to play

    Yeah. I'll admit it.

    Yeah. I'll admit it.

    This evening a strange urge came over me. The refrain for "Just a Friend" kept replaying in my head. I looked for Biz Markie albums on Amazon just to hear the sample of the songs they have. I played it, but I wasn't sated. I paused to give myself a moment to digest what I was about to do, and went straight to the Music Store in iTunes and immediately bought and downloaded it. I'm listening to it right now, and it's so much better than I remember it to be.

    I just lost any indie cred I might have developed over the last four years. All my hipster points, down the drain...

    ...ah, fuck it. got what I neeeee-eeeed! But you say he's just a friend! But you say he's just a friend! Oh baby...!




    I got a call today from Gavin, the production designer from the short film I did last month. He said he had a job running for two days starting tomorrow. I'm thinking the last thing I need is another free gig on top of the stuff I'm already doing for Clint. I was going to help him despite that, but then he mentioned that I'd "only" be getting $200 per day. I did some quick math in my head and decided that only $200 was more than only nothing. Granted, it's only two days worth of work, but that's a cool $400 coming my way in the next few days. In addition to that, I actually have someone helping with the pickups and everything this time. I am pleased. Guess I'll have to look up the list prices for fine whiskey and hookers (fine or otherwise).


    "She smells like angels ought to smell"

    "She smells like angels ought to smell"

    Check out this little article about the upcoming Sin City film. Those fans of the books out there, take a gander at the one-sheets at the bottom of the page. They look identical to Miller's covers and panels. Indeed, the entire movie remains faithful to the visuals of the books according to the article. Now I needs to find me a copy of that Comic-Con footage.


    Sunday, July 25, 2004

    Garden State

    Garden State

    Watch the trailer for Garden State and tell me it's not going to be a great movie. As a warning: it could be detrimental to one's psychological well-being to watch this film in conjunction with Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.


    My phone still isn't working. It had a good two minute window today when I was able to check my messages (two from work) and give my boss a call. Then it hung up on him and hasn't been working since. I'm gettin' kinda pissed.

    Reach out and smack someone

    Reach out and smack someone

    I discovered this morning that my phone service isn't working at the moment. This is especially frustrating because 1) I told several people I would give them a call today and 2) my phone showed that I had two voice mails, and I can't check them. I'm hoping they aren't work-related. Appropriately enough, Cingular, my service provider, doesn't have any way to contact them other than via phone. Guess I'll have to find a pay phone to find out about my service if it's not up and running by tomorrow. Hulk smash, man. Hulk smash.

    In happier news, Lance Armstrong has officially won the Tour de France making him the only cyclist in the race's history to win six times, and he did it six times consecutively.
