Saturday, May 20, 2006

Saving for a sunny day

Saving for a sunny day

I've been budgeting my money somewhat carefully lately, and I discovered that I have a fairly sizable surplus that I must dispose of immediately. It's not blood money or anything--not all of it--it's just extra. I view such excess as others view excess of fat. Most people have their self-defined ideal weight. I have my ideal financial level, which is hovering right around the poverty level.

[Dad: before you read this and send me an email detailing the importance of financial responsibility, know that I am very much speaking in hyperbole. I'm very well-off for a pauper.]

In the spirit of shedding the excess, I've gotten 1) some movies (The 400 Blows, a replacement for a movie that's been lost to me and Le Million, the outstanding René Clair musical) 2) tickets to the upcoming Death Cab for Cutie/Spoon/Mates of State show at the Greek in August and 3) four t-shirts from Oddica: Snailbot and Evil Knievelvich for me and Ping Pong PWNT and Bluebird Migraine for Jessie (even though she's creeped out by Bluebird Migraine).

I feel much better now. Not too rich, not quite starving. (Again, just joking, Dad.)

  • "Cracker: To Say I Love You"
  • The Adventures of Baron Munchausen

  • Sleeper Vol. 3: A Crooked Line, Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips (Finished.)
  • Sleeper Vol. 4: The Long Way Home, Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips (Finished.)
  • Gotham Central Vol. 2: Half a Life, Greg Rucka, Michael Lark
  • Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution, Michael J. Behe
  • The Hero with a Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell


  • Sunday, May 14, 2006

    And now Mother's Day

    And now Mother's Day

    I hope everyone lets their respective mamas know how special they are today because it doesn't count tomorrow. They literally can't hear it on any day except Mother's Day. Any time else, and it's like you're dead to them.

    Just finished a loooong work week. I'm filling in for the regular cast driver because she has another gig until this Tuesday. That means I have to drive well out of my way to pick up and drop off the main cast member. On Friday, that translated into a two and a half hour drive to work and an hour and a half home. Bah!

  • Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution, Michael J. Behe
  • The Hero with a Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell
  • Gotham Central Vol. 1: In the Line of Duty, Ed Brubaker, Greg Rucka, Michael Lark
  • Sleeper Vol. 2: All False Moves, Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips

  • Grandma's Boy
  • Doom (I died a little inside.)
  • "Cracker: The Mad Woman in the Attic"
