Saturday, July 03, 2004

'Cause I've got nothing better to do with my time

'Cause I've got nothing better to do with my time

I've decided to no longer feel guilty about hanging out and watching movies when I don't have any particular errand to run or job to do. I get out of the apartment for hours a day, but when I get back there's not a whole lot to do besides watch movies. I'm fortunate in that I love it. I've just finished Cronenberg's Naked Lunch, thus marking my 13th film in three days. Not feeling guilty about watching movies isn't a bad place to be until I start working the next gigs. Movies aren't difficult to find around here, even within a few blocks from my apartment. I've scoped out the local branch of the public library a few times. It's not great, but it's only a ten minute walk with free access to literature, music and film. Not bad for a twenty minute round trip. Anyway I'm about to watch another movie or two before I hit the bed. God help my sleep schedule.


Friday, July 02, 2004

Mecca is just over there on Sawtelle and Santa Monica

Mecca is just over there on Sawtelle and Santa Monica

I've found a movie rental place that might even trump That's Rentertainment in hipness called Cinefile. Not only do they have an entire wall that arranged by auteur directors and location next to Los Angeles' famous Nuart Theater, they have categories for Pirates, Big Goofy Monsters, and Christsploitation. That's right, for fans of exploitation of the Good Lord, they have a section for you. Not only that, it's right next to a branch of the Los Angeles Public Library so I can take a look at the library's selection before I might waste money by renting it at Cinefile. There's also a decent sushi place across the street for those keeping score at home. All this and just a ten minute walk from my apartment. Glorious.


The Godfather is dead; long live the Godfather

The Godfather is dead; long live the Godfather

For those that haven't heard, Marlon Brando died yesterday.


Thursday, July 01, 2004

I've seen this guy kill so many people, but I just can't get enough

I've seen this guy kill so many people, but I just can't get enough

I'm off to see two Takeshi Kitano (Beat Takeshi) cop movies tonight. You might know him from such badass movies as Brother, Kikujiro, Fireworks, or his brilliant remake of the Zatoichi/Blind Swordsman movies. It should be pretty damn cool. Look for my thoughts on the movies on my sister site, FILM JOURNAL X3000!.


Introducing FILM JOURNAL X3000!

Introducing FILM JOURNAL X3000!

I was going to buy a special notebook to create a film journal so I could keep track of the films I've been watching recently, but then I decided not to spend any money. Instead I'll share some informal notes with anyone who cares to read them on a sister site to this one called FILM JOURNAL X3000!. Remember, before you see any movie, check out my sister site to see if you should bother. You can access this mother by clicking here or by clicking the FILM JOURNAL X3000! link in the sidebar to the left.


Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Web, go!

Web, go!

I'm so fucking excited about Spiderman 2. I'm sure you've all seen the trailer and, like me, pissed yourselves. I don't suppose anyone has read Ebert's review, not that he really gives anything less than two stars. I recommend you subscribe to New York Times online, however, and take a look at their review by my favorite Times reviewer, A. O. Scott. Take a look at Rotten Tomatoes' tallies, however, and you'll see that this sequel looks to be something really special. I cannot wait to see it tomorrow. Tonight, however, I drink with co-workers at the wrap party.


I don't know how I forgot, and I don't know why I'm posting it, but...

I don't know how I forgot about it, and I don't know why I'm posting it now, but...

...Shrek 2 has both a Tom Waits song and a Nick Cave song in it. It's only a mediocre movie, but I've definitely got to give the filmmakers props for including those two guys on the soundtrack. Kudos.


Monday, June 28, 2004

A fun and easy way to network

A fun and easy way to network

I'll get to posting more about the job on set probably sometime tomorrow. We had a night shoot last night--the "easy" shoot that lasted from 8:30 PM - 7:30 AM--with the "hellacious" shoot happening tonight. Am I excited? Actually I really am. Last night was fantastic. I got to chat with so many great people, and I got four job offers coming up. The one I'm most excited about came from one of the stunt coordinators who's doing an action trailer to show to potential investors for a feature that's going to have heavy weaponry and big explosions over a five day shoot. He's also one of the vulgarest, nicest, funniest men I've ever met. I can't wait to work with him. I'll fill you in more tomorrow after I get some sleep after the "hellacious" night shoot. Until then.


Sunday, June 27, 2004

Better use the heavy duty anti-bacterial soap

Better use the heavy duty anti-bactial soap

I'm watching The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra, and it is brilliant. I won't give anything away except that it combines just about every kind of 50's sci-fi movie plot into one film and then laughs. Here's a line I just heard, for example:

* * *


DR. PAUL ARMSTRONG sits as his wife, BETTY ARMSTRONG, leans over him in their found log cabin. They stare at a piece of meteor--a meteor containing ATMOSPHEMIUM--that they've placed on a common kitchen plate.


(smiling) I hope the owners don't mind their good dishes holding a radioactive meteor!


(laughing) Don't eat the meteor by mistake, whatever you do!

They both chuckle


(frowns) Seriously, we'll clean the dishes before we go.

* * *
