Saturday, January 24, 2004

In response to

In response to

Perhaps you've read Makdad's site about the guy he works with. Perhaps you've also clicked on the links he provided in the post, and perhaps you've also read the articles. Now if you read the link to Fox News on his site, you'll see an article entitled "Poor May Not Be So Poor, After All". The article is about a study by the Heritage Foundation (also linked in Makdad's post, I believe) that states what the title implies: poor people aren't that bad off.

If you haven't read the article, I'll summarize: we have 35 million poor people in this country, and that's not so bad. The article goes on to mention that 46% of the poor people in this country live in houses, own TV's, DVD players, etc. and, my favorite, have more living space that the average person in Paris, London, or Vienna. Surprising, because the average living areas in major cities are usually so spacious, perhaps?

Now, I did some quick research and calculations. Having 35 million poor people (even if they have a damn television) in the country means that 12% of the country is beneath the poverty level. We're the (self-titled) greatest country in the world and one out of ten of us is poor. But the Heritage Foundation doesn't really think it's that big of a problem because half of the poverty-stricken can pop in their copy of Pearl Harbor anytime they want. God bless America indeed.

And for the exclamation point of the article, the Fox News article, we have this:

Click here to watch a fair and balanced report by Fox News Channel's William LaJeunesse.

The underline is mine, and I think that's probably comment enough. Twelve percent of our people may be poor, but at least they can turn on their televisions to see Fox News flip them the middle finger.

Tune in next time for a post about the gallery opening that Naomi and I attended. Well, I attended the opening. Naomi got hammered on the free wine. Stay tuned for the exploits.

Thursday, January 22, 2004

Not to toot my own horn, but...

Not to toot my own horn, but...

So I have a piece of mine showing in The Link, the hallway-like area that links the Art & Design Building with the Krannert Art Museum. If you haven't seen my Multiple Personalities piece, you should stop by the Link sometime in the next few weeks to check it out. You'll also get to see a bunch of other people's stuff on display showing what kind of video art output we have from the classes on this campus.

Also, if you're free tomorrow between 5pm-7pm, stop by Krannert Art Museum to see an interesting East meets West art exhibit. It profiles several Middle Eastern artists who came to study and work in the States. Some of the artists will be there to talk about their pieces, and they'll (reportedly) have the usual gallery opening goodies like free wine and cheese. I'll be there. So will Naomi. So should you.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Uzumaki ain't your daddy's manga

Uzumaki ain't your daddy's manga

I just finished reading the first volume of Uzumaki, a manga about a small Japanese town whose inhabitants become obsessed with the shape of the spiral (uzumaki means "spiral" in English) with surprising and often disturbing results--in fact, always disturbing results. It's structured as a series of short stories that can stand independently while still shedding light on an all-encompassing story.

You might be familiar with the film version of it that's occasionally shown of the Independent Film Channel. Or you're like me, and you don't have cable. Either way, if you'd like to borrow it, let me know and I'll shoot it your way.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Anyone surprised by this one?

Anyone surprised by this one?

I just took the "Which Greek God Are You?" at Katie's site. Here's the result:


?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

Is anyone surprised by this one? Anyone...?

Off to a good start

Off to a good start

Well, I was late to my first class today. This should be a good indicator of how the rest of the semester should flow. I didn't even have unfamiliarity with the building as an excuse. I just had a long lunch with Kate who is, if I may, better than any German film could hope to be. They try, though. They try.

Monday, January 19, 2004

American Splendor

American Splendor

I'm watching it right now, and it is the most unique filmic experience I've had in a while. It's part documentary, part comic, part narrative re-enactment of the comic, and an invasion of all three into each one of the other aspects of the movie. In short: see this film. You will not regret it.

Every damn time

Every damn time

Not that I'm complaining, but why does every time I drink with a certain group of friends always end up:

  • in at least 7-10 group hugs with individual huggings happening on the side
  • with me head-butting everyone in the room with concussive force
  • in a bedroom with several other people, any of whom could tear off their clothes at any given point
  • on the floor


Luckily I haven't found any mysterious sore spots or bruises--yet. All that being said, I wouldn't mind getting together with people tonight even if it's just a movie at someone's place. Let me know.

Sunday, January 18, 2004



The comment system is up, and I am going down. Night.

By the way...

By the way...

...the title of this site refers to my piss poor memory--and my attitude toward it. It's just something I've had to get used to. If I have offended any of you because of my crippling disability, I apologize. I am a fool.

And yes, I am still working on this damnable site.

Sleep is for the weak and unproductive

Sleep is for the weak and unproductive

Look at me being all productive. I made a links section. It only took me three fucking hours! ...Not that I'm complaining. Now that the links are taken care of (for now), I'm working on a comments thingie. We'll see if I get that one implemented before class starts on Tuesday. Golly, technology's keen!

Narghile is another term for hookah

Narghile is another term for hookah

So I just went to Nargile, the hookah bar in downtown Champaign, this evening. I'm aware that there's been mixed reviews of the fine establishment since its opening a few months ago. Some say it's pretentious; others enjoy the more relaxed, elegant atmosphere compared to some other bars. I say, if you haven't gone already, go. Rent a hookah. Smoke some apricot (with a touch of honey) and then make your decision. It's absolutely heavenly. Just ask Julie.