Yeah. I took two slugs to the chest. Now who wants some water?
Yeah. I took two slugs to the chest. Now who wants some water?
Today I became a man. I took my first two squibs to the chest. If you watch Desolation Canyon on the Hallmark Channel (ask your local cable provider), you'll actually see my chest explode as I get shot in the ol' upper torso.
For those of you unfamiliar with behind-the-scenes special effects documentaries, "squibs" are little devices that explode outward from the body, shooting the contents of each squib (usually red liquid playing as blood) in the explosion. The effect? Each squib simulates a bullet entering a body (at least in this case). So when the red-haired JACK character takes a couple slugs to the chest in Desolation Canyon, you can leap up and shriek: "I know that exploding chest! I'd know it from a hundred yards! That's my friend Drew, and he took those bullets like a MAN!" (or something to that effect).
I love this business.
[UPDATE: I just got two long distance phone calls tonight raving--raving--about Batman Begins. The reviews are glowing. The geeks love it. And I have to wait until the weekend to see it. If anyone else sees it before then, please feel free to call me long distance to tell me how awesome it is thus lengthening every moment between now and B-Day.]
Reading, Watching, Listening to: same as yesterday