Saturday, July 10, 2004

Thank you

Thank you

I had a very calming birthday, and believe it or not I actually learned some things today. I suppose one is eternally a student until one chooses to cease to be so. I thank you guys who sent your love. You know that I think about you guys all the time. I really wish I got to spend today (and everyday) with you, but circumstances being what they are I'm just glad to hear from you. Love from the older and wiser Me. I hope to see all of you as soon as I can, birthday or not.


Friday, July 09, 2004

Now that I'm 22

Now that I'm 22

Man, 22 sure is a worthless birthday. I did get brownies for it, though, so cheers to that. There's really no reason to have a birthday if it doesn't mark a milestone, so I'm going to make some up for 22. And so: now that I'm 22, I'm officially allowing myself to grow a mustache (if I want to). Now that I'm 22, I'm allowing myself to spit in public. Now that I'm 22, I'm able to sing and dance in my room with the blinds open and not give a damn (as long as I'm not in my underpants). Etc. I'm sure I'll make more that actually have an impact on my life, so stay tuned.

Is there anything good about 22?


Wednesday, July 07, 2004



There's a new comic in town--or at least the town that is my life--and it is good.


Thus marks my 100th post. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Pity me!

Pity me!

I'm going to be turning 22 this Friday, and I don't have anyone to celebrate with. I'll probably even be working. *sniff*

Ah hell, I'll probably just go see Anchorman and pick up a 12-pack of Pabst. I'd better hear from you guys though. Otherwise I'll be sad...sad on my birthday. You wouldn't want that on your conscience, would ya? Huh?


I've decided that I should have been drunk to make this post. Hell's bells. I don't care. I'm posting anyway. And now I'm going to listen to "Hell's Bells" by AC/DC, now that I think about it. If only I could force myself to stop listening to these Franz Ferdinand blokes. Fart. Remember: July 9.


  • One bad-ass book called Midnight Movies by J. Hoberman of The Village Voice and Johnathan Rosenbaum of the Chicago Reader. It's two of the best film scholars in the US talking about crappy movies and why we like them. Gotta love it.
  • Um, I'm also reading Placing Movies by Johnathan Rosenbaum...again...still...
  • *ahem* I'm also reading A Scanner Darkly by Philip K. Dick

    I plan on finishing one or all of them sometime.

  • Giddy-up


    So I had breakfast with Clint, the stunt coordinator I worked with on my previous shoot to talk about the action trailer he's going to do when he can find a window this month. It was pretty informal with two other stunt guys--one of which I also met on my previous set--and a girl who would be sharing duties with me. I think our official titles are production coordinators, but I was led to believe during the discussion at breakfast that we'd potentially be asked to do everything. Exciting.

    After that Clint and I went out to one of the movie ranches in Santa Clarita to scout out some of the locations. Clint's a pretty animated guy, and he seems to know exactly what he wants. I saw he had a copy of Once Upon a Time in the West sitting on top of his TV when we stopped by his house, and he has a scene in the script that almost exactly mirrors the family massacre scene in said film even down to the placement of the picnic table in the scene (Nick, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about). He'd say what he wanted, I'd throw out questions and suggestions of camera placement, and sometimes he'd go through an entire scene using me as the camera position to give me an idea of how certain shots would play out. Par exemple:


    Okay. You're the camera. You're gonna be down here. There's gonna be a horse over here just out of frame.


    Which way am I going to be shooting?


    You'll be gunning this way.

    Turns; points.

    Now once you get full horse and rider in frame we're going to have the horse do a fall.




    Now, we can get these suckers to rear up to that branch up there.

    Turns; points


    Shields eyes; looks up.



    We just put down some peat moss to absorb the impact, and we're cool. Once we have the horse committed--we know it's going to fall--we're going to have two directional mortars go off: one going this way, one going that way.




    So that happens and we have someone standing over here just outta frame, and just as the second mortar goes off he's going to fall on his face right in front of the camera and block your view. Then we cut.




    ...unless the horse falls on you, then we have to do it again.




    Heads back to the truck.



    So we scouted a few more spots, talked about finding some doubles to shoot some long and extreme long shots while we wait for the actors and actresses, and I made up a generic contact list for the cast and crew. Productivity, baby. Yippee-ki-yay, mother-hugger.


    Monday, July 05, 2004



    I don't know if anyone's seen any of David Lynch's short films but I can assure you, they are a thousand times stranger than any of his features--including Eraserhead. I had to take a break just after The Grandmother, and if you happen to catch the new DVD of Lynch's shorts you'll be able to see why. Yow-za.


    Sunday, July 04, 2004

    Man, I need to meet some people

    Man, I need to meet some people or at least get a paper

    I spent all of today hanging out at home and trying to figure out what to do tonight. I didn't really want to go somewhere in a large crowd, get liquored up, then try to find my way home, so I didn't do that. I didn't want to get any fireworks and set them off because I live in a very quiet neighborhood, so I did't. Instead I made myself some buffalo chicken tenders and watched part of Apocalypse Now Redux and The Phantom of the Opera and drank some beer. I've got to find somebody to hang out with that isn't currently on set. Yeah I'm watching a lot of movies, but I'm sitting by myself on Independence Day drinking beer and watching movies in my apartment. I'm not very patriotic, but this is fucking sad. Oh well, guess I'll give some people a call tomorrow and get my ass out of the house (assuming they're free). Gah. Bah-humbug.
