The long and winding roadSlowly but surely I'm hammering out outlines for two scripts I'm working on. One is a comics-inspired freelance infiltration duo fiction with a splash of the meta- and the
New Physics, and the other is a throwback to classic detective narratives with a twist of the apocalyptic and (once again) the
New Physics.
I'm discovering that I can't just write a screenplay and outline. I have to describe the entire backstory of every character before I can figure out what each character might do in the "present" (that is, during the events of the narrative itself). At the moment, I know where my characters went to school (or not), what they studied, what jobs they have and have had, and how they've gotten to the start of the script, but it's difficult to figure out--beat by beat--exactly what I want to happen within the explicit confines of the script. Slowly but surely, however, I'm working it out.
Also, I just switched from
Cingular to
Verizon and got a new phone along with it. I am
ever so excited about it.
I also picked up
"Jim Henson's the Storyteller - The Definitive Collection" at
Target today for a very reasonable cost. I'm excited to take a gander at it.
Reading:Gotham Central Vol. 2: Half a Life, Greg Rucka, Michael Lark
Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution, Michael J. Behe
The Hero with a Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell
Swamp Thing Vol. 2: Love and Death, Alan Moore, Stephen Bissette
X-Men: The Last Stand
The Blues Brothers