Wednesday, March 14, 2007

First, The Announcement!

First, The Announcement!

*Cue drum roll, kingly fanfare and choirs of angels*

I'm getting married! I asked Jessie for her hand on March 3--our two year anniversary (alas, the bloggers are always the last to know)--and after much deliberation, including talks with her lawyers, family, grocer, priest, rabbi and other holy figures, I was faxed a positive response filled out in triplicate after no more than five business days!

And they say romance is dead.

Seriously, though, it was way cuter than that. Now that the announcement is made, however, I leave you momentarily in suspense as to the exact nature of the proposal which will be covered in my next post. This post will detail the finer dealings of my Proposal Week, and you might be surprised to know that getting engaged was just the first of many major events of the week, though it was clearly the most important. Until next time, true believers! Adieu!