And that's movie-making magic
I just had a conversation with my friend, Nick, about a movie we think should be made. It started off as an innocent conversation about the movies I rented (
Erin Brockovich and
The Kid Stays in the Picture) and complaining about how Darren Aronofsky hasn't released a film in four years, and went downhill pretty fast. Here're some highlights...
ME: I'm complaining that what's-his-face hasn't made a movie.
ME: Ghandi.
NICK: Richard Attenborough?
ME: That is one pacifist who should've gone Hollywood.
ME: No the actual Ghandi.
ME: Shit, man! They [Ghandi and the current Dali Lama] should've teamed up! A buddy-cop-comedy film. Who wouldn't want to see that?
NICK: and get two of the three Beastie Boyz to convert
NICK: Gandhi 2:Back in Action
NICK: Starring Mohatmos Gandhi as Sgt Brick MacGavin
NICK: and The Dali Lama as Det. Patrick Dakota
NICK: One is the exiled son of an Indian King, the other a dedicated vegan/ladies-man
NICK: Together. They Fight Crime!
ME: That is so fucking sweet, man! I can't believe no one thought of this earlier!
NICK: can we get Dennis Farina to play their Captain
NICK: and he;s pissed cause they dont play by the rules
NICK: If we get John August to write it, and McG to direct, why.. its printing money
ME: Yeah. He wants them to shoot first and ask questions later, but they never take their guns with them!
NICK: and they some how not only GET their collars without much of a chase, but they dont find the need for handcuffs
NICK: also, the robes are starting to tick him off something fierce
NICK: who is their main baddie?
ME: No-no. Their robes conceal their pacifist gadgets! They've got Bond-like non-lethal gadgets they use.
ME: Lex Luthor.
NICK: thats copywright infringement
NICK: you wanna get sued?
ME: Dude, if we do it at the studio that owns the rights to Superman, we're gravy.
ME: Wait, wait. Not only is Lex Luthor the main bad guy, the secondary one is John Wilkes Booth! It's a time travel story!
NICK: Gary Oldman as JOhn Wilkes Booth!
NICK: Lex gets JW Booth and Aaron Burr to help him destroy America!
NICK: he promises Booth the south, Burr the west, and Lex the East... and of course once Lex takes over the world he just... nuked Burr and Booth.. but lets save taht for the sequel
ME: Maybe the third one. We should introduce new baddies in the second so we can score on the merchandising.
NICK: so we save Burr for the second?
ME: Exactly.
ME: Him and Plato.
NICK: why Plato?
ME: Because Plato will be able to use his special Philosophication powers to confuse them while Burr makes off with the goods.
NICK: ah
NICK: okay
NICK: Burr wants to rule America
NICK: Luthor wants to control the geopolitical capitalist stock market
ME: Who doesn't, man? The goods are America. Plato's one of the biggest philosophers of all time, man. He can handle it.
NICK: this way... they team up for the third movie
NICK: well, in the first, Luthor wants to take over the world by controlling the flow of goods. services. etc. as he is the ultimate capitalist
NICK: in the second, Burr is staging a coup de tate.
ME: I'm feeling it...
NICK: so in the third,, with Booth dead, and Plato now working with Gandhi and the DL, Burr and Luthor team up to destroy earth
ME: And take over the Moon.
NICK: indeed
NICK: who will be their obscure henchmen in the third?
ME: So they can put a space motor on it and zoom about the galaxy destorying other planets after Earth! That's why they must be stopped!
NICK: someone call Trouma!
ME: I'm on hold right now!
And they say alcohol destroys brain cells. Pah! I'm going to go eat chicken. I'll give you some time to think about this one.
[UPDATE: By the way, I'm absolutely
enthralled with the third song on the
All About Lily Chou Chou OST called "Erotic". All of the songs are fantastic, but this one is positively hypnotising me for some reason.]