Sunday, May 14, 2006

And now Mother's Day

And now Mother's Day

I hope everyone lets their respective mamas know how special they are today because it doesn't count tomorrow. They literally can't hear it on any day except Mother's Day. Any time else, and it's like you're dead to them.

Just finished a loooong work week. I'm filling in for the regular cast driver because she has another gig until this Tuesday. That means I have to drive well out of my way to pick up and drop off the main cast member. On Friday, that translated into a two and a half hour drive to work and an hour and a half home. Bah!

  • Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution, Michael J. Behe
  • The Hero with a Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell
  • Gotham Central Vol. 1: In the Line of Duty, Ed Brubaker, Greg Rucka, Michael Lark
  • Sleeper Vol. 2: All False Moves, Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips

  • Grandma's Boy
  • Doom (I died a little inside.)
  • "Cracker: The Mad Woman in the Attic"



    At May 15, 2006 9:37 AM, Blogger Nic said...

    Whats the project?


    At May 15, 2006 11:56 PM, Blogger Drew said...

    Believe it or not, it's another "McBride". We've become a machine impossibly operating at 100% efficiency in cranking out these episodes. This is nine of twelve that are in the contract, and then we either move on to something else or renegotiate and do another chunk o' McBride. (That sound like a combo meal to anyone else? "I'll have a Chunk o' McBride combo with curly fries? Supersize it. Wait, can I have the Frosty instead of a soda. No, that's fine. I understand the Frosty won't be Supersized. And could you put some more spoons out here? I can't drink a Frosty with a straw. Exercise in futility and all that.")


    At May 16, 2006 9:39 PM, Blogger Nic said...

    I love it when my prayers get answered.



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