Self-sabotage is both an art and a comedy
Self-sabotage is both an art and a comedy
We had one of those days at work today that looked easy on paper--only a few actors, no background, indoors in the same set at the same time of day in all the scenes--but we somehow managed to screw it up. We cut two of the four scenes, and we spent from 9:30 in the morning until we wrapped at 6:45 this evening on a single scene. Dumbfounding really.
It's especially tough as I look now at the comic purchases I made this past weekend and try to force myself not to be too tired to read them. The purchases are as follows:Swamp Thing Vol. 1: Saga of the Swamp Thing, Conan Volume 1: The Frost Giant's Daughter And Other Stories, and The ACME Novelty Library #16. It's such a great haul, but I'm just too exhausted to crack them open.)
The good bit is that everyone survived today, Friday the 13th with a full moon on a scary-ass ranch in the middle of nowhere. That's serial killer country, folks, and not one single murder took place there tonight (to my knowledge). That's something at least.
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