Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I need a day off and less mutilated, mutant fetuses (not necessarily in that order)

I need a day off and less mutilated, mutant fetuses (not necessarily in that order)

I guarantee everyone a light-hearted post the day after I get at least ten hours of sleep and several days after watching a mutant fetus get sliced in twain by its father. (David Lynch, you're a sick son of a bitch.)

  • Eraserhead
  • Mirrormask (I really wished I liked this movie. While I found the film pretty but dull, Jessie loved it. She claims [rightly so] that the young-woman-in-a-distant-land-who's-a-princess-and-saves-the-day probably appealed more to her than to me, but I still had high hopes for Gaiman and McKean.)

  • I Am Legion



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