Oops, I crapped my pants.
Oops, I crapped my pants.
So Night Watch looks awesome, no? I didn't see Constantine, but Night Watch looks to be thematically rather similar to it. There looks something more to this movie than its special effects, though. And first in a trilogy of horror? If the movie is anything like the trailer and the next two are anything like the hopefully trailer-esque first movie... Damn. I guess I'd just be pleased as punch.
Also, watch Roman Polanski's The Tenant. It's like Polanski's tribute to Hitchcock with strong references to Rear Window and Psycho, except in Polanski's film you actually get to see the transformation of Norman into his mother. It's keen.
[UPDATE: I don't know how many of you guys are watching the American version of "The Office"--or even own a TV for that matter--but you should try and check it out. In fact, if you have a computer and the know-how, download the third episode that premiered last night. While the first two episodes were pretty uneven, the third episode...good Christ have these guys stepped up their game. This episode is so much funnier than any of its British couterpart. Absolutely hiiii-larious.]
[UPDATE-UPDATE: Undead looks to be another fine looking horror film. The tagline, however, is embarrassing.]
What the hell was that? What country is this from? How do the special effects look so very not cheesy? How is it M83 is the soundtrack?
I know I have a history of going to see crappy supernatural movies... but sweet crunchy christ does that look awesome.
And... dare I say it... could Chicago be a select city?
Ps. At the movie's website there is a link to the forums, and one of the forums, called "Trailer for Night Watch 2" or something, has a trailer for a movie that looks like it could be a sequel. It's all in Russian so one can't really tell, but still. Some neat stuff.
I did see the movie, but I didn't get my ass kicked either. I've never thought that Rodriguez could pace a movie worth shit (the first Spy Kids movie being the exception), and Sin City was no exception. He's real good at the sparklies but not so good with the in-betweens. I did get bored in parts, but it was neat to see the Sin City books on the screen. I think I, like you, will stick to the books, though.
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