can touch me... can touch me...
So I got to work with Brian Cox, Annette Bening, Gwyneth Paltrow & Joseph Fiennes today. No big whoop. Tomorrow: I'm a ball boy in a commercial for some football or other prefix-ball sport. After that, two days of MTV promos. Boo-yah. Call me an easy work magnet. This week is like buttah--buttah that pays.
i'm so jealous. i love gweneth. i thought she wasn't working anymore though? stupid celeb gossip- we all get caught up in it because we're too lazy to change the channel. i'm coming to visit this summer if it's okay.
Well, I might have a "thing" this summer. It's not definite so I don't want to make a definite announcement about it yet, but it would be pretty much all summer. I'll let you know what's going on when I get more concrete details.
Turns out the thing fell through. Game on, lady.
sorry the "thing" didn't pan out. i got fired today after only being there 2 days. i can't hold down a job to save my life. stupid chicago. it's only here that i'm like that.
Bummer about about the job. Drop me an email and let me know what happened...if you want.
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