Tuesday, March 29, 2005

And the weird thing is they're actually really good.

And the weird thing is they're actually really good.

Well, I've been working quite a bit lately, but it seems like I have a little break from working for at least the next few days or so. *deep breath* Oh yeah. That's nice.

I actually got to walk to the comics store today, which I hadn't gotten to do in a long time. I only picked up a Comics Journal I was missing, but it's fun to browse every now and then. Feel the texture and weight of the stuff you're leaving in the store. And then laugh and laugh when you leave them sitting on the shelf. And my home is so cool and dry, my shelves so free of dust! Take that expensive books! You shall learn to be less costly! Until they get to go home with some movie executive comic geek, that is.

Non-sequitur! I've had Annie's "Chewing Gum" stuck in my head all day. Goddamn you, Eric.

Also, for your viewing pleasure I present Overcompensating, a funny comic. In addition to that, I think you should take a peek at Ulli's Roy Orbison in cling-film site, the site to which the title of this post refers. It's a series of short stories about...well, it seems pretty obvious. There are five standard ("standard", of course, being a relative term) stories, a Christmas special and a ROiC in Space story. I wish I was that demented and clever. And/or, really.


[UPDATE: Listen to Nina Gordon's cover of NWA's "Straight Outta Compton"--downloadable from her website--and you will know that all is right with the world.]

[UPDATE, UPDATE: After you're done checking out Nina Gordon's cover, you might also want to check out Dynamite Hacks' cover of another NWA song, "Boyz-in-the-Hood". I'm sure you've probably heard it before, but it's thematically similar to Gordon's piece that it's worth mentioning.]



At March 29, 2005 11:31 PM, Blogger EP said...

It's voodoo magic, an invisible worm taken root in your fertile brain tissues. You'll love Act Two: in which Annie taps directly into your nervous system and drafts you into her planet-razing Annie-Army.

Something so incredibly cute cannot be so seemingly harmless. Better pull that tin foil hat out from under the bed.

At March 30, 2005 11:39 AM, Blogger Drew said...

It's like gummi bears in poodle skirts are hugging the pleasure centers in my head.

I wish they would leave. I'm seeing everything through a pink filter.



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