The Esoteric Rabbit
The Esoteric Rabbit
I just stumbled upon a great blog this evening that's part film criticism, part art gallery, part cookbook and part kitchen sink. Not only does the blog author have a keen intellect and a lucid writing style, he finds and references some other great minds and writers.
I'm now reading, for example, Jonathan Rosenbaum's (of the Chicago Reader) essay on Jim Jarmusch's Dead Man. I hated the film, but Rosenbaum's essay is proving to be not only insightful but a pleasure to read, as well. I should admit here that Rosenbaum and J. Hoberman's (of the Village Voice) book, Midnight Movies isn't just one of my favorite books-about-film of all time, it's one of my favorite books, full stop.
But I digress. The blog is Esoteric Rabbit, and it's a must for those interested in culture but who just can't pick one artform.
Labels: art, cookbook, esoteric rabbit, film criticism, hoberman, other blogs, recipes, rosenbaum
"[I]t's a must for those interested in culture but who just can't pick one artform."
Of whom, believe you me, the author is most definitely one!
Thanks for the kind words. They're very much appreciated.
I really liked Wizards. It was anti-climatic... but I really LIKED that it was anti-climatic. I however, do not wish to put my time where my mouth is and rewatch this piece to see if I am wrong.
I however do agree with your sentiment. Ralph Bakshi... just really not that great. I don't know and I don't think I will ever know what all the fuss is about him.
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