Vote for Greg
Vote for Greg
A buddy of mine is in a user video contest on, and he took the lead in votes today. I don't know how long voting is open, but it would be great if you could give him your vote (or several, if you register more than one email account) by following the directions he provides below.
Hey friends,
As many of you know, Beth Eyler, Michael Choung and myself made a video called "Welcome to the Neighborhood" which is in the finals this week to win the "Funny or Not?" contest. WE ARE CURRENTLY IN SECOND PLACE by about 30 votes. We need your vote.
All you have to do to help us out is:
1. go to :
2. Register your email. You will not recieve ANY spam from these guys. It's legit. If you've already registered, make sure to sign in. You can't vote until you are logged in.
3. Vote for our video "Welcome to the Neighborhood" which is the WEEK TWO winner by clicking on the button directly below the video that says VOTE FOR THIS VIDEO.
That's it. Simple. So simple in fact that you could take another moment and register any other emails you might have lying around and vote again.
OR IF YOU REALLY WANT TO BE MY NEW BEST FRIEND, please repost this bulletin and get your friends involved. In order to win this, we don't just need your vote, we also need your friends to vote.
A boy can dream, and I'm already dreaming of what it would be like to win this contest and prove to and the rest of the world that a man, a moustache and an old track suit are always "funny."
Much love to you all and thanks for the help,
Gregory David
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