Waiting for NESARA
Waiting for NESARA
Going along with my study of the psychology of cult members for one of my screenplays, I reference Waiting for NESARA (once again from the wonderful Grey Lodge). NESARA documents a group of people called the Open Mind Forum that believes a bill passed by President Clinton in 2000 would radically alter the economic structure of the United States (with other interesting features). The National Economic Stabilization And Restructuring Act would--so the Open Mind Forum believed--abolish the IRS, eliminate debt, pave the way for Jesus Christ to return to Earth via a flying saucer, expose President George W. Bush as a lizard-like humanoid and other hard-to-swallow points. Rather than poke fun at the members of the Open Mind Forum, the filmmakers maintain a detatched and even sympathetic point of view that allows the the Forum members to openly and honestly present their radical viewpoints. It's a fascinating study of the cult mentality whereby members of the cult can believe such farfetched ideas despite profound and obvious contradictions, prophesies that never come true or are perpetually delayed and other obstacles that not only do not make the cult members reevaluate their thinking, the obstacles instead prove to strengthen the members' convictions.
It's a great documentary about a fascinating subject (to me, at least). Definitely worth the hour and fifteen minutes of your time.
Labels: cult, grey lodge, NESARA
NESARA will happen. But first the dead wood has to be cleared out. Wolfowitz, Card, Libby, Rumsfeld, Bolton, Miers, Bartlett, Rove and Gonzalez have gone now. Others will go soon. And then Bush and Cheney will follow them down the road. All the monies are in place.
More background here:
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