Sunday, March 05, 2006

That festive time of year

That festive time of year

Happy Oscar Day, everybody! I bring you good tidings and cheer from Los Angeles. It's the one time of year that everybody takes off to sit down and trash talk all of the nominees they've worked with.

"I worked a gig with Heath Ledger mmmm a couple of years ago on some low budget feature. He hid all the time. He was a hider. Or he was at crafty. If he wasn't at craft service when they called for him on set, you were in trouble. Nice when he was around, though...kind of quiet, but..."

I hope everyone has a joyous and fun-filled day with their family and friends. Watch the turkey intake, or you'll never make it to the end of the interminable event.

(Also, Jessie and I just celebrated our one year anniversary for which she got me the seminal Absolute Watchmen which has remastered color and line art along with a 48-page supplemental complete with character proposals, sketches and samples of script pages. She also provided me the tools with which I might get my Konga on. Oh, what a cacophonous mistake!)

  • "Coupling: Season 4"
  • "Eddie Izzard: Glorious"
  • X-Men 2
  • Gladiator
  • L'Argent
  • Constantine
  • Walk the Line
  • Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
  • Dave Chappelle's Block Party

  • Point Blank (Finished.)
  • Runaways Vol. 4: True Believers (Finished.)
  • Sleeper Vol. 1: Out in the Cold
  • Labyrinths: Selected Stories and Other Writings



    At March 07, 2006 2:55 PM, Blogger Nic said...

    So how do you like Point Blank/Sleeper so far?

    Also, Congrats on the 1-year deal.


    At March 07, 2006 11:03 PM, Blogger Drew said...

    I'd read the first "season" of Sleeper and loved it. I pretty much enjoy anything Brubaker does--the current Captain America is fantastic, por ejemplo. I picked up Point Blank after immersing myself more in the Wildstorm universe, which I'd done initially because--while it wasn't necessary to actually have read any other Wildstorm works--Sleeper would often refer to events that had happened in the greater universe. That being said, I hate the cover of Point Blank but love the art inside. Brubaker's work here is, as always, stellar.


    At March 18, 2006 5:49 PM, Blogger Nic said...

    Yeah that cover is just... stupid?

    yeah, stupid.



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