Friday, December 09, 2005

Even penguins die in temperatures so cold

Even penguins die in temperatures so cold

I'm virtually certain I'm going to die of pnuemonia when I fly back to Illinois in a scant week and a half. My dad told me it was one degree Fahrenheit there today. That's absurd! That's like a goddamn tundra! You know how many degrees I had today? 75! I'm not bragging. I'm just standing on the edge of my death! I caught a cold from the past two days of work because it was probably around 55 degrees where I was, and I was wearing a freaking leather jacket! I'm virtually certain that I'm going to contract whooping cough or Montezuma's Revenge! (I admit the latter one is pretty unlikely due to its geographical infeasibility, but it'd be my kind of luck.)

Also, I can't eject the DVD from my DVD/VCR combo for some reason. This means I'll probably die having never finished the first season of "Arrested Development". Of all the things I'll regret, I'll regret that one the most.

Goodbye cruel world.

(Also, I'm going to be in Illinois for about two weeks, so if you, too, will be in that fine state, drop me a line. I'm going to try and make it up to Chicago-land between Dec. 27 & Jan. 1)

[UPDATE! I managed to get the DVD player to eject the DVD by using the timeless and infallible "beating the hell out of it" technique.]

  • Holographic Universe (Finished. I tore through this 300-pager in the last two days when I was technically working. Banked some overtime, too. This is the life I lead.)
  • The Drawing of the Three (The Dark Tower, Book 2)

  • "Arrested Development: Season One"
  • White Christmas



    At December 10, 2005 12:01 AM, Blogger EP said...

    I will be in Illinois.

    At December 10, 2005 2:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I am flying home to New Hampshire on Tuesday and am also certain that I will die of the cold. Also, it just snowed a foot there. Fantastic. 50 degrees is now frigid to me. Here's to having blood like water.


    At December 12, 2005 10:29 PM, Blogger Nic said...

    Im staying in Texas where its in the 60's.

    Give your family my regards.



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