Orgone, begone!
Orgone, begone!
I'm no conspiracy theorist nor am I knowledgeable of the work of Wilhelm Reich, but the biography blurb on his Wikipedia page reads ominously.
The last two sentences are especially chilling:
"In August 1956, several tons of his publications were burned by the FDA. He died of heart failure in jail just over a year later, one day before he was due to apply for parole."
Since when is it the policy of the FDA to burn books? That's very disturbing, especially paired up with his death so close to his possible parole. Eek!
I'm not a conspiracy theorists as such. Although i have read enough to know things like the us government planned 911 in order to bring in tough laws that take away freedoms. Also the London bombings were done by our very own Phony Blair.
I came accross your blog looking for orgone related sites.
You wanna learn conspiracy? Go look at how the freemasons work and who the illuminati are! Also the Bilderberg meetings! Always press blackout when all the top leaders and rich creme de la creme get together! a little odd!! Oh and another exclamation mark just for good will !
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