Wednesday, November 09, 2005

It's a freaking hot dog.

It's a freaking hot dog.

I actually made it through the Pink's line. The thing usually stretches down an entire city block. This is for hot dogs, by the way. Every once in a while, you can catch the line stretching for only half a block or--in this case--just along the front of building. On these rare occasions, one always has somewhere else one has to be. Not tonight, baby. I've lived in LA for nearly a year and a half, and this is the first time the stars have aligned so that I had nothing to do but hop in a short line.

The hot dog was pretty good.

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    At November 10, 2005 1:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Well, a Planet Hollywood in Hollywood seems a little redundant. So all of the tourists go to Pink's from what I've heard. Especially since VH1 implied that you would find a gaggle of celebrities there no matter when you go.

    ...Although do I think there is, in fact, a Planet Hollywood in Hollywood.


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