Monday, October 24, 2005

Sometimes I wonder

Sometimes I wonder

I just got a sudden urge to listen to "Dueling Banjos". Does that make me a sodomizing redneck?

(I can only imagine what one might think before clicking the previous link if one didn't get the reference. If you didn't get the reference and clicked anyway, you should feel dirty. I certainly do.)

Go see Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.

On a completely unrelated note: comics. I recently finished buying the entire Transmetropolitan series by the man (so recent, in fact, that I haven't gotten the last comics in the mail yet). I've got most of Sin City. I've got all of Sandman. I've nearly collected all of Bone, which has been turned into a game, incidentally. I've done Preacher. What I'm getting at is this: I need another comic series to collect. Something new. I gots to get some ideas, and you're the idea factories I'd like to buy some shares of stock in. Sorry. In which I'd like to buy some shares of stock.

That's better.

Anyway, I'd love some ideas. I'll now retire to watch some this and remain surprisingly intoxicated. Huzzah!

  • (Don't. Just...don't...)
  • "Batman - The Animated Series, Volume Two"

  • Fax from Sarajevo
  • Doom Patrol: Crawling From the Wreckage


    At October 26, 2005 5:05 PM, Blogger EP said...

    Here's my .02USD :

    Alias (ALIAS!)
    Astro City
    Promethea (so pretty)
    Y the Last Man (I don't remember what your take on this was. I stand by it. Actually, I stand by most of Brian Vaughan's recent work, Runaways included.)
    Deathstroke, The Terminator (Hehe, came as a 'freebie' in one of my ebay packages)

    Additionally, Global Frequency, Planetary, Top 10, and/or Ex Machina. There aren't very many of these out in total, but they're good. I'm sure you already have Planetary and Global Frequency, and probably Top 10 as well.

    At October 26, 2005 8:46 PM, Blogger Drew said...

    Welp, I've read Alias. I'm up to volume three of Astro City. Reading Promethea. Up-to-date on both Y the Last Man, Global Frequency, Planetary, Top 10 and Ex Machina.

    But I still haven't broken into Fables. I also can't say I've perused Deathstroke, The Terminator (though I can't imagine why).


    At November 26, 2005 3:45 PM, Blogger Nic said...

    If you liked Sandman, might I suggest Lucifer by Mike Carey. Yep. Its a Sandman spinoff, but unlike the crappy other spinoffs this one isnt crappy. No sir, unlike that last sentence this book is actually worth a read. Its fantastic.

    Also, if you like a good monthly trip to the comic store i suggest FELL. its a buck ninety-nine. True its only 16 pages, but the book is so dense that itll take you longer to read those 16 pages than any standard 22 page superhero book.

    Also, GIRLS. or ULTRA by the Bros. Luna. Both are fantastic. ULTRA is a standalone mini and GIRLS is an ongoing.

    Furthermore, INVINCIBLE is the greatest superhero comic in print today.


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