Serenity 2: This time it's...better and...more...enjoyable
Serenity 2: This time it's...better and...more...enjoyable
I thought you guys might like to know that the second Serenity trailer is much better than the first. Now this is representative of the tone of "Firefly". That is all.
i can't wait!!!! i'm re-watching my firefly DVD's right now to get all revved up for it! :) i know you aren't a tim burton fan, but i saw a sneak peek of corpse bride at sherman oaks galleria last monday... it was pretty darn good... VERY well written (figure you'd appriciate) and i was very pleasantly surprized to find out that it was a musical a la nightmare b4 xmas... anyway... i guess i just wanted to share with someone :)
Yeah. I'm tearing through my episodes of "Firefly", too, in preparation of Serenity's release.
As for The Corpse Bride: I'm one of those people who is an avid fan of any columnist/essayist, filmmaker or musician that I despise. I will hunt down and watch every film of a given director that I hate just to find a single movie that I enjoy. Tim Burton is the archetype of just such a person.
I have not really enjoyed a Tim Burton film--not even Beetlejuice (although I liked the bit of Edward Scissorhands I caught the other night)--except Batman. Even that one I think I was required to like just because I'm a huge Batman fan. On the other hand, after seeing the new film I now consider Batman Begins to be the true commencement of the Batman film franchise.
What I look for when watching even the most obscure of a despised director's film (or read an essayist's essay or columnist's column, etc.) is that single one that'll make me see what everyone else sees in that particular creator. I don't like it when I'm not a fan of someone when all of my friends are. Makes me think I missed something. To finally summarize a long-winded reply: I will see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory just as I will see The Corpse Bride just as I will ultimately see Edward Scissorhands. I will see each one of these films expecting to hate them (or at least for each one to act as a soporific) but hoping that at least one will open my eyes and make me say, "Ohhhh. So that's what all the hubbub is about."
ok... so if you are trying to find some tim burton film you mioght enjoy, then might i suggest the following films, and if you've already seen them, then i apologize but if you haven't then i think you should definately <--(spelling?) check them out as the represent the cream of the crop when it comes to tim burton...
1. edward sissorhands
2. ed wood
3. nightmare before xmas (the special edition dvd only so you can watch "frankenweenie" and "vincent" 2 early shorts that he made.
4. the world of stainboy (
his other films have alot of good attributes to them but really only things that would be loved by true fans... also, i would have added beetlejuice, charlie and corpsebride to this list but you already mentioned that you will check out charlie and corpse and that you had already seen beetlejuice.
since we are on the subject of liking certain people, do you like eddie izzard?
as far as not liking something all your friends do, i completely understand where you are coming from, but i also feel the same way about things/movies/musicians/tvshows that i love and i try to convince everyone to love it to, but they don't even give it a chance. but then 2 years later, they suddenly love it and it makes me mad cuz i loved it first and i tried to tell them about it, but they didn't listen. is that wierd? :)
Two years is bad, but I'm perpetually five years behind my friend Nick. He can be bitter about it. He's got good reason, I think.
As for Eddie Izzard? I hate answering a question with a question, but I've got to ask: do you have a flag?
um... no, look, we've come all this way, do you mind terribly if i hack you to bits?
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