Wednesday, August 31, 2005

WARNING! Another seizure-inducing post!*

WARNING! Another seizure-inducing post!*

Man, I really wish there was something going on right now. As it is, I've been working quite a bit lately--including tomorrow when I'll have to wake up early to take a gentleman I dislike to the dentist before going to the office to do mindless prep work before the Western starts shooting next week--doing background and PA work. Whatever. It pays the bills, but that's important because I'm gearing up to pay off the rest of my debt. After the debt's paid off I plan to immediately put myself back into it when I shop for and buy a new computer. My guy's been a trooper, Frankenstein-ed together from parts that range from three years old to around seven. He's been coughing quite a bit lately, even after disc refragmentations, program deletions, registry cleanups, scan discs, etc., and crashing sometimes several times a day. You're a good man, Charlie Brown, but now you're going to die.

No worries, though. He's an organ donor. Some of his parts will go to less fortunate computers (namely Jessie's) whose systems are in much worse shape than mine. While my guy has been comfortable running with its gig of RAM for the past several years, Jessie's system has been running Win XP with only 64 megs and several programs loading at startup, including antivirus software. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I've literally double-clicked the web browser, left the room, made a meal, then come back just as the browser finally settled into a working mode. Not surprising considering the minimum RAM specification for Win XP is 128 megs, though 64 is supported so Microsoft can take the money of those that enjoy their meals at the computer.

In other news that is not, strictly speaking, news: visit The GPod Podcast website for free access to some great stuff in the public domain. For example, I'm currently downloading Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti by avant-garde filmmaker (and one of my favorites) Maya Deren. Igonore all the skull & bones and the color scheme that ranges from black to lighter black. The website dedicates itself to the occult and other "fringe" interests, but looking through that guise, one discovers some great, free resources (like previous entries' audio such as H.P. Lovecraft’s The Call of Cthulhu and The Dancing Wu Li Masters [which, incidentally, is much fonder of its own words than it has a right to be]). I'm currently enjoying part one of a series called "What We Still Don't Know" that I found on the site. Explore, and enjoy.

And wish me luck for tomorrow.

  • "Neverwhere"
  • Incident at Loch Ness
  • Strings
  • "What We Still Don't Know"
  • The Player
  • Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
  • The Wizard of Oz

    Listening to:
  • The Dancing Wu Li Masters

  • The Island of the Day Before
  • Red Razors (Finished.)
  • Marvels (Finished.)
  • Animal Man (Finished.)
  • Animal Man: Origin of the Species (Finished.)
  • Animal Man: Deus Ex Machina (Finished.)


    *Probably not true.


    At September 01, 2005 1:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    RE: Neverwhere

    You know, if the movie is so terrible why have you now been watching for four days?

    You know you love it.

    At September 01, 2005 7:35 PM, Blogger EP said...

    You have some attentive readers, brother.

    So, with all the stuff you read, the stuff you watch, the stuff you research/write, as well as with maintaining a meaningful romantic relationship, how do you find time to play video games?

    I assume you're upgrading for gaming purposes; perhaps I am incorrect?


    'cause otherwise, my money's on speed.

    At September 06, 2005 7:21 PM, Blogger Drew said...

    Everytime I think PC, my computer crashes. Everytime I think PC game, my computer laughs then bursts into flame. I'd be playing more if I could, and that's definitely going to be a perk of the new box.



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