I just stumbled upon this film whilst looking at the comments board on MirrorMask's page. It looks pretty damn awesome. Check out the trailer on the Strings homepage.
Also, anyone seen Joss Whedon's cancelled series "Firefly" on DVD? Apparently it's an action/Western/sci-fi series. I'm watching the pilot right now, and it's pretty good so far. The upcoming Serenity bases itself on the series and will be coming out in September. I'll wait until a couple of episodes in to start getting excited about this one.
Listening to:
if you are into mirrormask, there is a HUGE beautiful hard cover book all about it at barnes and noble. it's amazing. also... i have family in england, and i love ANY form of animation so i've already seen "strings" and i loved it. i thought it was alot better than "team america" ;) haha!
ps... i'm also a HUGE fan of firefly and not only do i own the DVD set, but i still have every episode of the series on videocassette from when i taped them off tv when they originally aired! i haven't seen the film yet, but i do know that if you really want to enjoy the film you should watch the whole series because apparantly, the film is just gonna pick up where the series left off, and the main story line of the film is gonna be an unresolved storyline from the series! :) i'm really excited about the film... give the show a chance by watching the whole thing, not just a few episodes, cuz like ALL good shows, it only gets better the further into it you get! :)
pps> thanks for the links... MUCH BETTER :)
This is Neil Gorman (I do the comicology podcast) I just saw
9via technorati) that you linked to the podcast on your blog and I wanted to say thank you for doing so.
I hope that I don't rambel to much :)
It's okay to ramble, Neil. Reminds me of my other comic friends. It's hard to stop when dealing with the old sequential art.
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