Friday, April 29, 2005

Get a buncha nerds in a room...

Get a buncha nerds in a room...

A full transcipt of the hour-long conversation between Kevin Smith, Simon Pegg (who plays the main characters in both "Spaced" and Shaun of the Dead, co-writing both works) and Edgar Wright (the director of "Spaced" and Shaun of the Dead and co-writer of Shaun...) as they talk about their love of Star Wars and their views of the upcoming Revenge of the Sith is up on Empire Online. Check out the interview here.

  • The Comics Journal v. 267
  • Quimby the Mouse, Chris Ware
  • Tom Strong v. 1-2, Alan Moore, Chris Sprouse, Alan Gordon
  • Watchmen, Alan Moore & Dave Gibbons

  • Kung Fu Hustle
  • Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (which is hilarious despite what you might have read in the reviews)
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Just picked it up for $5.50 at Walmart on Saturday. Check your local bargain bins today!)



    At May 02, 2005 9:03 PM, Blogger EP said...

    They sound normal. I mean, like us. So, sorta normal.

    It's comforting though. I was afraid Shaun would turn out to be one of those actors whose characters were cool but whose character was bad-news.

    Have you seen Spaced?

    At May 02, 2005 10:41 PM, Blogger Drew said...

    Have I seen "Spaced"? Yes, my friend. Yes I have.

    At May 04, 2005 11:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    What's your take on watchmen? i hear paramount may produce it. :)

    At May 07, 2005 11:58 PM, Blogger Drew said...

    As much as I like a good comic book movie, there are some that I just don't think will work in film. Turning Watchmen into a movie is like turning a Brian de Palma film into a comic. Each are so mired in their respective mediums that translation into another is an exercise in mediocrity (at best). By the way, I do have an early script revision of Watchmen if you're interested in perusing it. I'm not sure it's what's in development, but it's definitely an interesting read.



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