I just joined the other day because I thought I needed another friend network that I won't use (See: Friendster). If you're on that network, gimme a holler.
I also thought of a humorous anecdote that happened the other day. I was at Steak 'n Shake with the fellas back home, and one was talking about moving to Japan in the near future. He'd teach English to Japanese kids to pay the bills. I mentioned to him that I'd like to move to Scotland and just live there for a year or two. He sat quietly for a moment and in a tender voice said, "Drew, you can't teach English there." He seems to have missed the point, but--bless his kitten heart--he was deeply concerned about my apparently poor fore-planning for skipping the country.
So that's my tentative plan over the next few years. I'm periodically just going to pick up and move increasingly farther away from everyone I know. Eventually I hope to be living on the moon.
What is your myspace address you bitch?
(i.e. I mean Drew not Kate)
I don't know, boss. I guess just do a name search. I'm on there somewhere. This new-fangled "Internet" has me baffled.
I think the quotes really make that last sentence.
On your home space there is a url for your profile. Its right below the box that contains your pics and your edit options.
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