Friday, November 17, 2006

A small admission

A small admission

Whenever I read about, think about, hear about or otherwise register the term circadian rhythm, I always think of an insect called the cicada rather than what the term "circadian" actually means.

The etymology of "circadian" is in the Wikipedia entry, but to save you time: Latin circa (about) + dies (day) = about/approximately a day. The circadian rhthym is the cycle of processes our body undergoes approximately every 24 hours.

If any of you have lived a somewhat rural summer life where giant cicadas sit motionless on trees for hours on end and just...hum, you'll understand why I associate "rhythm" with "cicada" rather than "circadian".

While this isn't the exact species I used to hear out my window during Illinois summers, cicadas sound something like this. If the little bastards weren't so grotesque, it'd be like a lullaby.



At November 18, 2006 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drew, you are so random...
I love it, don't stop!

At November 18, 2006 9:52 PM, Blogger Nic said...

Thats what she said.


thank you, folks I'll be here all weekend. Tip your Waitress.


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