Monday, April 10, 2006

The Piasa Bird. What, you don't know?

The Piasa Bird. What, you don't know?

Warren Ellis has an auto-linker of the weird on his site and--as I was perusing it a few minutes ago--saw an entry for The Piasa Bird, a griffin-like creature that allegedly lived in my hometown and hunted the American Indians that once lived there. Every town's haunted with a history of flesh-devouring beasts, right?

  • Fury, Salman Rushdie

  • Freaks
  • Strange Days



    At April 10, 2006 9:40 PM, Blogger EP said...

    Man, your hometown has all the cool shit.

    All I get is a creepy guy from down the street that always wore a ten-gallon hat and used to peek into people's windows.

    I think we called him Cowboy Dan.

    At April 11, 2006 2:41 AM, Blogger Drew said...

    I'm telling you, man, I lucked out. I get the ghosts. I get the flying, flesh-eating beasts. I get the Civil War jails. I just have the hometown with an eclectic history.


    At April 12, 2006 7:47 AM, Blogger Nic said...

    Dont forget the 4th street hookers being pushed up town by 'Urban' renewal.



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