Comic Day!
Comic Day!
I woke up this morning, had a couple of peanut butter & jelly sandwiches (to which I've now aquired a serious addiction) and sat in front of my computer reading the first few issues of 100 Bullets, a comic by a guy named Brian Azzarello. This and reading Kate's post about her nocturnal comic reading on the job gave me a mission to go and find some comic shops to hang out in for the day. I settled on both an offshoot and the main store of the self-proclaimed "World's Greatest Comics Book Store... and More!", Golden Apple Comics. I know. The name is very Illuminati, but that's part of the coolness of the place.
At one location--the offshoot--I picked up volumes one & two of Alan Moore's Tom Strong. It was located at the back of a Rhino Records shop and obviously didn't have a great selection. So: I made my way across town to the big poppa main store. I hung out there for a while (mostly looking for TPBs of Warren Ellis' Strange Killings), but I walked out happy with 30 Days of Night and its sequel Dark Days.
So now I'm back home reading my remaining issues of 100 Bullets, preparing to call three more apartment places, and thinking of having another PB & J sandwich. I think I'm going to make Sunday my official comic day. I honestly cannot think of anything better to do on my lazy Sunday afternoons than buying new comics, having lunch out, and going to some air conditioned environment to read my new purchases.
Listening to:
I know. The name of the group is ridiculous, but Indie 103.1 has been playing this song for the past few weeks. It's so damn catchy. It's like a fast tempo'd, electronic/punk song about fear, mis-information, etc. being weapons of mass destruction. It's definitely got a beat you can dance to.
What do you think of Tom Strong? I have a collection of stuff from the "America's Best" label and there are a few stories about him in there, though I have to admit they seemed a little lackluster. I've heard lots of good stuff about 30 Days of Night though.
What is Strange Killings? I am currently, as always, on the market for good graphic novels.
And, do you know of any good comic websites? I'm looking for some resources for reviews and info about upcoming stuff and running series', etc.
Strange Killings as far as I could tell when we went to G-Mart when I was in town is a zombie comic written by Warren Ellis. These elements combined means it must be good.
As far as comic last time I was into comics, I was reading Comic Book Resources, and that was a great site. Then again, they had Warren Ellis doing a weekly column at that time, too. I'm not sure how good it is now, though.
'Top 10' is my favorite America's Best title. Probably 'cause I never read the others. None of the rest really seemed interesting to me.
As far as comic book sites: yeah, CBR is good. Also try
Comics Continuum and
Newsarama. Also, it can never hurt to check out the websites for the publishers of your favorite titles.
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You heard the man: those sites should steer you in the right direction.
There's also Comic World News, which is a little bit better organized than some of the other sites. Unfortunately all of the sites' main pages are pretty cluttered, so it's a little difficult to find what you might need quickly.
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