Sunday, August 08, 2004

Empty nest

Empty nest

Here's what happened: to be the cast driver for this production company, I essentially had to release my car and take their van. They don't own my car--they can't even get into it--but I became really nervous when I had to drive off the lot in another vehicle. I was shocked at how attached I'd become to my little car. It's always been my escape hatch, my 4-cylinder chariot. My car was where I headed when I didn't want to be where I was to ease my state of mind. It took me halfway across the country for Christ's sake. I felt like I was dumping my puppy at the side of road as I walked away from it. Obviously I'm anthropomorphizing my Corolla, but it really felt like a betrayal on my part. Needless to say, I'll be glad when he's back with me.


[UPDATE: My car's name is Miyamoto-san, for those that don't know. He's a good, hard-working little salaryman. Bless his little heart.]


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