Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Doom 3

Doom 3

Well, I just bought my first computer game in a long time. It felt pretty good, and I must say the title is absolutely worth it. The boys at id Software have been working long and hard and certainly deserve something to show for it, especially after the what has to be record breaking piracy that has occurred before the game was even released. Before the game was even on store shelves, id Software lost almost $3 million according to the most liberal estimate in the article. Now I'm not saying I've never downloaded anything without having first paid for it, but I certainly want to give my money for those products that I think are worth my money. Doom 3 is certainly one of those products, and I'm happy to spend my money on such quality. It's a shame not everyone shares these sentiments. At the same time, however, the boys at id are no fools. They understand the Internet Underground, and I'm sure they already knew about how much money they would lose simply by making the game. I'm proud that I'm not one of those people, and I'm glad I had the money to spend at the time.


[UPDATE: Man, I'm actually doing something that I haven't done since the original Doom; I'm dogding in my seat. When I first played the original Doom I would shift in my seat to avoid fireballs thrown at me from these furry Chewbacca creatures. I'm actually doing the same thing with the very same creatures in this game. I would say it's a little embarrassing if I wasn't having such a good time doing it.]


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