So that didn't work out too well
So that didn't work out too well
So I've stopped being a recluse without even realizing it. I apparently went out every night this week to a different bar each time. I'm not spending as much money at each place, though, so that's a plus.
In addition to staying in the apartment for about a week, I also started working out to get the ol' body back into some kind of shape. I started lifting some weights at home, and I planned (still plan, am planning) to go jogging regularly once the ice melts. Somehow I hurt my wrist while sleeping several nights ago--I'm not entirely sure how--and I haven't really been able to workout since without being in a fair amount of discomfort. As a football player, you learn to work through the pain. As a cinema studies major, you learn to work more with your left hand and complain...well, I mean, complain louder. The fat skinny of that one is that I'm not working out as often as I should anymore.
I also decided to allow myself two cigarettes before I went out tonight. I had three. What can I say? I was losing at cards.
In other news, everyone should wish Big Alex B. a belated happy birthday, if you haven't already. He's a swell guy. Show him some love.
That's all from here. I'll have a better post and a better wardrobe after I get back from Chicago this weekend. In fact, I may come back too sassy for my own good. In facter-fact, I think it would be odd if I came back sassy at all. Annnnnnnd it's bedtime.
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