Whirlwind tour of the semester
Whirlwind tour of the semester
So I haven't been in my home for more than one waking hour per day since the weekend, I think. I basically come home to sleep and shower. It's gotten to the point that I only buy non-perishable food because I never know when I'm going to be back here. That reminds me; I've think I still have some leftovers in the fridge that I should probably toss...
It's just strange to me that for the previous three years of college, I'd spent most of my time in my dorm/house and hadeveryone come visit me. I could pretty much sit in one spot and do everything I needed to do. I think it goes without saying that class isn't something I need to do. I'm not sure that anyone really needs or even benefits from class, but I could just be jaded these days.
It's not that I don't enjoy my classes this semester. On the contrary, I enjoy almost every single one of them. The problem is that there is one that I'm taking that I already hate, but I need it as a requirement to get the ol' degree. Whine, whine, whine.
So my days essentially start with my first class and end when I roll back into the apartment at sometime around two or three in the morning. This being the case, I'm starting to learn to embrace the nomadic lifestyle. My bookbag hasn't quite become a closet yet, but it's adapting rapidly. I have at least three books and a newspaper in there at any given point and I usually have a custom made mp3 CD in my disc player so I don't get sick of my music for a while. Now I just need some clothes and baggies of cereal to become an army of one. I also need to stop leaving my shit across the bi-town area, but that's something altogether different.
Before that happens, however, I'm trying to consciously invest in some quiet time with the kids. Now, I don't just mean this to be a euphemism for masturbation. In addition to that, it means I'm trying to spend some time--at home or otherwise--just chilling out with myself. That's been harder to do than I originally intended, but I still count hanging out and watching movies with a few loved ones as quiet, beneficial time (note: that one is actually not a euphemism for masturbation).
It's working out rather well, and I'm also trying to maintain a (slightly) healthier lifestyle in addition to keeping up with me. I'm trying to cut back substantially on my drinking, for example. Considering I've been drinking everyday of the week since just before the end of Christmas Break, I've got a lot to cut back. Same with the cigarettes. I've armed myself with some trusty toothpicks (although I need to find some that don't taste and smell like spray paint) to substitute one oral habit for another. I haven't really had an alcoholic drink since Saturday. And as far as the cigarettes are concerned, it's been one day and I think the paint fumes from the toothpicks are getting me high. Not the same as nicotine, but a guy could learn to live with it.
So as you can see, I'm in a kind of transitive state at the moment. I'm sure I'll either keep everyone posted or forget all about it. Let the betting pools begin.
Oh, and if someone is in the dark about everything going on in February, I'll invite you to take a look at Todd's page (Feb. 1 entry) for a look-see at all the events we've got laid out to combat the longest shortest of the year. Kudos, and I hope to see everyone out and about this month. An update with the East Meets West Conference: the guy I'm going to see has an event at 11am this Saturday. His name is Walid Raad, and you might have checked out his stuff from the link I provided in a previous post. If you like what is good, holy or otherwise, join me there this Saturday.
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